EOP: Chapter Six : The People I've Forsaken S1/B1

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I'm trying real hard to upload every two days! so i hope you like the chapter!


|Piper P.O.V|

   Gross, Obnoxious, narcissistic and testosterony. That’s how I define the boys in this school; I’ve met only a few but they’re all the same and they all want in my pants. Like that’s ever going to happen. I almost didn’t let Evan in.

   I sighed

   It was my first day of school and I had already faked a head ach to get out of class, it was only second period but who could blame me we had four periods of two and a half hours.

   I had told my teacher Mrs. Gray if I could go to the infirmary and without another word I was off. It only took him a second to answer, and even though I shouldn’t be skipping class, there’s no way I would stay awake during History; why do we need this stuff anyway, I get how we need Math but not History!

   As I turned the corner a sudden collision sent me plummeting to the ground, as I rubbed my cheek; I looked up to see the person I had hit.

   It was a girl, she looked my age but her hair style made her look younger, her short blond hair was in two small ponytails, she was a cheerleader I knew since she wore the uniform  but what made me uncomfortable was that her deep brown eyes bored into me.

   “I’m so totally sorry!” she exclaimed.

    She reached for me trying to give me a hand.

   “It’s no problem” I said ignoring her stretched out hand.

   The girl nodded and left.

   I stood up and dusted my pants off, I was going to walk away but suddenly a paper on the floor caught my eye, it was a nice shade of blue.

   I grabbed it and read:

Schedule – Student 784334-90 – Viola Lancaster

First period-Science

Second period-Math


Third Period- Free period


   I bet this belongs to the girl who I just bumped into…huh, Viola… sounds like Viagra. I shoved the schedule in my pocket.

   I slightly chuckled and walked into the nurse’s office, I really needed a good snooze, I put my ear phones on jumped on the not so comfortable bed and blasted the song crashed the weeding-Busted and dozed off.

|Johnny P.O.V|

   Damn it, Damn it, Damn it! Why do I always have to get chased? I thought as Jordan ran after me. We were both supposed to be in class but I was excused since I already did what they were learning and apparently Jordan decided to skip.

   “Come back here Green!” he screamed as I made a brake for the school.

   If he actually thought I would stop and walk to him, he’s crazy! I’m scared for my life here, the last time Jordan tried to beat me up I got off easy since one of his friends, I think Percy saved me but this time no one can help me, everyone is in class.

   I panted.

   My arm was bleeding, he had slammed me into a wall and my wrist still hurt from the first fight this morning, luckily I might not see Ryan again, he was expelled.

  Jordan was on my tail and I was almost out of hall way, the only option I had was either hide in a janitor’s closet or the infirmary.

   The infirmary was the best choice since the nurse might be there, and I had scrapes and bruises so she could treat them.

I opened the door but no one was in there I closed the door and sighed.

I was safe…for now.

|Piper P.O.V|

I heard a sharp noise but I ignored it but suddenly someone shock me violently.

   My eyes flu open, I sat up in the bed and groaned, it felt like I haven’t even slept at all. I rubbed my eyes and tried to look at the room properly but all I could see was darkness.

   It was almost like the bed and I was glowing and the rest was engulfed in darkness.

   “Hey wood Piper” I heard a voice say.

   Tears flooded my eyes as I realized only one person calls me that, as I thought of him I saw him standing right in front of me.

  “Lee” I said all teary eyed.

I ran to hug him but as I approached him he disappeared right in front of my eyes.

   “You sent me to jail! It’s your fault!” he screamed. I was taken aback by his expression of anger. He was right thought, if I hadn’t told him about even he wouldn’t have gone to hurt him.

   I should have kept that secret, secret so this is my chance to say sorry but before a word could leave my mouth the scenery changed and I was in my old house.

   “Take the money and go, you can have it all” my father said.

 unanticipatedly the man stopped laughing, he took my father by the crawler and growled

   “I don’t want you stinkin’ money…”he started.

  “…I want you” he finished.

   I was watching my families last living moments. I put my hands on my ears afraid to hear the shot but I still heard it, he shot a bulled thru my dad’s head and another to Laura’s.

    My hand covered my mouth, at this moment I really wanted to puke.

   “It’s your entire fault!” the corpses moaned.

   When the man hand left the house, there was a gun on the floor, I picked it up and put it to my head and said

   “This is how I repent!” and I pulled the trigger but sadly the noise only welcomed yet another scenery change.

  I was now underwater, fish swimming around me. It was tranquil I think this is the nicest part of my dream.

But then I saw her.

Light blue eyes and dark brown hair.

“Mommy” I whimpered as I ran to hug her but I was abruptly stopped.

She glared at me

   “You have forsaken too much people…” she growled

   “…and now, it’s time to pay” she screamed.

   A sudden pain in my stomach made me look down. Blood, I was bleeding and then it all went black.


I shot out of the nurse’s office bed.

My heart was raising and I was panting, as if I had just run a 19 kilometer race. I whipped the tears from my eyes and got out of the bed.

I suddenly heard the door open and shut and when I peeked at the door I say a boy bleeding, bruises and scrapes everywhere.

It was him that boy I had saved.


He looked at me with shock.


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