Chapter 37 | Before I Go To A Halloween Party

Começar do início

"Sex." I say for her, she's trying her best to be subtle and nods her head at me.

"Well you weren't wrong about it hurting but it was different a very good different, then once it happened my whole body felt like it sorta belonged to him in that moment and then the second time-"

"The second time!" Peyton squeals. "Go on."

"The second time the pain subsided and it was nothing but pleasure, I don't know it's weird isn't it?" I ask her.

She shakes her head. "It's love, there's nothing more weirder than that, I never imagined myself wanting to settle down until Beckham came along, I mean that's pretty weird and fucked up like my hearts a desperate bitch."

Peyton wasn't wrong about hearts being desperate all the time, but we did have a choice, whether we decide to follow them or not.

Within the next hour Peyton manages to finish my hair and makeup before I try on the body suit. I hate that once it's on it fits me perfectly and I actually like how it looks in the mirror. I even put on some black heels and it pulls the look together very well.

I didn't want to be mistaken for a hooker tonight. I walk out of the bathroom and find Peyton in a full black cat suit.

"I knew it would look great on you." She tells me. "We should get going."

I grab my phone hoping I won't lose it at the party because I have no pockets. I'm also glad my mother's in her room so I sneak passed so she doesn't see me. I know she'd freak out.

We make it outside and I'm hit with the cold air. Parties were usually very warm inside so I couldn't wait to get there now.

We get to Beckham's house and the driveway and streets are already filled with cars and people. Peyton and I hurriedly walk inside and I warm up rather quickly when we head through the crowd.

I look around at the costumes most girls are wearing so maybe I wouldn't be the only one mistaken as a hooker, I feel a lot better now. Some girls were wearing nothing but a bra and their underwear? What kinda of costume even was that?

We find Beckham, Carver and Gavin in another room watching some people play beer pong. I can already see Gavin's whole body tense up as he recognizes me. He wasn't wearing a costume? Great.

"Hey baby!" Peyton calls out for Beckham and he picks her up in his arms for a long embrace.

I walk over to Gavin who seems like he doesn't even want to talk to me. Why couldn't we be as happy as Peyton and Beckham? Oh right because my boyfriend was stubborn and he seemed to like everything his way.

"You really had to wear that tonight?" He pulls me closer to him and looks down at the outfit, I can tell by the way his eyes are looking at me he wants to rip this off of me.

"You don't like it?" I ask him, he rolls his eyes at me and leans down to kiss me but I push his face away and laugh, nice try. "What's in the cup?"

"Water." He replies.

"Then let me have some." I reach for the cup but he quickly jerks it away from my reach. I knew it, liar. "No kisses for you then."

"It's cheap liquor." Gavin finally tells me.

I don't mind that Gavin's drinking, it's a party that's what people do I just didn't appreciate the fact that he finds the need to lie to me about it.

"Can I get a kiss now?" He smirks at me before wrapping his arms around my waist. I give in to those eyes and he leans down again and are lips meet. I can taste the liquor on his lips when my tongue brushes over his bottom lip, it isn't bad though.

We both pull away and smile.

"We're heading into the basement, you guys joining?" Beckham asks us.

"Yeah we'll be down in a bit." Gavin tells him. "But first your coming with me."

Before I can protest Gavin grabs my hand and drags me along with him. I notice the way guys are looking at me now and it makes me uncomfortable. I don't even wanna know their intentions.

The cold air hits me once again when we head outside. We stop at Gavin's car and he pops open the back of his trunk and hands me a sweatshirt. This one is also black like the last one he gave me but it reads Cambridge in bold letters on the back.

I don't hesitate to put it on or argue with him because it's freezing cold out here and I needed something to cover up more than this outfit is capable of. I only wish I had my converse so I could change out of these heels.

"That's better." Gavin gives me smug smile and takes me back into the party.

We join are friends in the basement and we haven't even been here for more than thirty minutes and Peyton's already tipsy. I'm glad Beckham's actually taking care of her but he's not far from where she is.

Carvers chatting it up with a blonde in the corner of the room who doesn't seem very interested.

"No where'd your costume go?" Peyton asks me. "You know I should probably take mine off too it's getting pretty hot."

I stop Peyton before she starts undressing herself. Maybe it was already time for her to go to bed? "I'll take her upstairs into my room." Beckham says picking her up in his arms.

"Yes so you can help undress me." Peyton laughs. "Wait my cup-"

The night had only began and my experience with parties never end well but this was the first time Gavin and I were officially together so maybe things would be different?

Before I Go ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora