This Girl

115 7 2

Let me introduce you to this girl.

A young girl,

So simple and plain,

So simple there's no use

In remembering her name

I've done many unspeakable things

To this fragile being.

I've beat her, and hit her,

Sliced her with knives

Told her many stories

And made her believe all the lies

I tell her she's ugly

And worth no ones time

And that no one Loves her, I mess with her mind.

I know she hears voices

Ones you can't see

So I tell her they're always right

Despite how wrong they may be.

I try my best to kill her

But I always seem to fail

For whenever I get close

My conscience is on my tail

I hate her more than anything

But there's a catch you will see

This ugly plain and simple girl,

Well, that girl is me.

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