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"Kaitlyn Marie Jones, get down here if you don't want to miss your flight!" my mom yells at me.

"I'm coming!" I yell back at her. I quickly grab my carry-on bag, sweatshirt, and suitcase.

I get to the bottom of the stairs and my mom looks ready to cry. I'm the youngest of five kids. I've always been in the shadow of my two older brothers and two older sisters shadow. But now, it's my time to shine. I'm going to be a foreign exchange student in England for my senior year of high school! I'd be a little upset about this if I actually liked my classmates, but I've gone to school with 99% of them since preschool. I know the other 105 people way too well. But now, I'm getting out of this small Texas town, I'm going to england for a year!

"I'm gonna miss you, kiddo." my dad says hugging me at the airport.

"I'll miss you too, dad. But I promise you, I'll be okay." I tell him.

"I know you will."

My mom just hugs me, unable to say anything through her tears, but I know what she's trying to tell me.

 "Don't worry mom, I'll be safe. No drugs, no sex. No nothing," I tell her. Not that I do those anyways.

She smiles at me and kisses my forehead. "I love you, sweetheart. Be safe."

"I will mom."

"Now go! Otherwise you'll miss your flight!"

I hug my parents one last time and run to go through security so I can catch my plane to London where I'll catch another one to Doncaster.

When I get off of my flight in Doncaster, I find my host family waiting for me. Who they are came as quite the shock to me.

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