I wish I could be as carefree as them right now, I really don't like having to face this drama---no one wants to learn that their friend was once a murderer. 

"I don't believe Raven killed the parents," Chung whispered. I glanced over at him, doubt could be seen in his tired eyes. "I've known Raven for quite sometime now and I know he's not a bad person." 

"Just because he's a good person now doesn't mean he was a good person in his past." I reply hesitantly, Chung tensed at my answer but didn't say anything. "None of us want to accept the fact that he killed the parents, I don't think anyone would want to think of their friend that way." 

"I know," Chung spoke through clenched teeth---I could see his fists tightening as he went on. "I guess it's hard for me to accept the fact that Raven could've killed them." 

"Yeah, I think--" Chung cut me off. 

"Y'know this team is really important to me. We've been through so much together. "Chung smiled, I could feel my heart skipping a beat. " I don't exactly have a family back at home waiting for me, but it doesn't matter because I've got the team---they're family to me." 

Family, that word alone send shivers down my spine. After the attack on my village I lived life believing I was alone, I believed that I would never have the same family love again. Maybe I can also consider this team my family as well, we're always here for each other and we're always willing to fight for one another---isn't that what a family is about? 

"That's why it's so hard for me to believe Raven did something so terrible," he went on. "I don't even know what I should do if he really was the killer." 

"It shouldn't matter if Raven was the killer," I blurt out, I could see Chung's face lighting up with surprise. "We know Raven better than anyone, and we know he's a good guy now. As his friends we need to stand with him and help him through this. That's what friends and family do."

Chung lips twitched into a small smile at my response. I could feel my face heating up at his action, it's not everyday I get to make Chung smile. 

"We should probably head back inside." I gesture to the house. "It sounds like things have calmed down in there."  

"Yeah," he punched me gently on the shoulder. "Thanks for listening and understanding." 

"No problem," I replied, with a toothy smile," that's what friends are for."


When we got back inside Raven was no where in sight, apparently revealed that he went to bed shortly after I left. Agatha refused to talk about the subject any more and has decided to retire to the kitchen for some dinner; needless to say, Amos joined his sister for dinner.

Our team used this chance to talk about our plan of action tomorrow. Elsword wanted us to go looking for the El Shard right away while Aisha suggested we gather some information from the Ponggos and try to help them with their Nasod crises. 

There was much debate on what we should do next, but I was too tired to pay attention to all the little details. In the end we agreed on splitting into different groups, one group will go up to the surface to find clues on the Shard's whereabouts while the other group will stay behind and gather information from villagers. 

I was assigned to go with Eve and Raven to the surface, now I wouldn't have mind that if there wasn't so much tension. Raven will no doubt be stuck in a bad mood tomorrow and Eve may be upset at the potential Nasods attacking us. I didn't complain though, it'd only cause more trouble if I wanted a change groups. 

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Where stories live. Discover now