The chief gave Amos a disapproving look," Amos, you know better than to bring Nasods and demons into the village."

"They saved me." He clarified, this caused several gasps in the crowd. "Everyone here saved me!" 

"Saved you?" The chief sneered. "Why would a demon and two Nasods save you?" 

"Because they're the good guys!" Amos tightened his fists. "Chief, if it weren't for them I would've been dead!" 

The chief ignores his statement, turning his attention back to us he says," what do you people want with us?" He asks, with his eyes narrowed. 

I could hear Aisha quietly ushering Elsword to say something---at a time like this you'd think he'd act more professionally. 

Elsword clears his voice," we are simply here to take back an important item." His answer made the chief raise his brow. "We also happen to be a Red Knight party, this means we can also help your village with any problems you may be dealing with."

"Red Knight party, eh?" The chief quoted. "I've heard of you folks, you Red Knights have quite a reputation for helping folks like us." 

My nerves relaxed at his response, maybe now he'll finally come to trust us. 

"It's a shame how down hill you people have gone." He adds on---shaking his head. 

"Excuse me?" I blurt out, instantly regretting my decision as the chief locked eyes with me. 

"What would you like to say, young lady?" He lowers his voice, his eyes challenging me to continue. 

Taking a sharp breath in I went on," I don't understand what you mean. How have our people gone down hill?"

The chief began to pace slowly," Red Knights are known to be heroes, they are supposed to fight against danger"---he gestures to our team--"now look at you, bringing in demons and Nasods, you people are disgusting." 

"Don't call my team disgusting." Aisha piped in. "You know nothing about our team. We're all capable to fighting against danger." 

"You are capable of bringing in danger. I don't mind the demon as much, but I cannot allow those two Nasods stay here." He barked, and pointed at Eve and Raven. "I ask that the two Nasods leave my village. They are not welcomed here."

I could feel anger pumping through my veins, this chief knows nothing about our team and yet he's treating our team members like trash. If I could I would teach him a painful lesson, he has no right to talk badly about my friends. 

"No!" Amos screamed, the Ponggos around jumped in surprise at his out burst. "They walked all the way over here with me. We can't just kick them out." 

"And I cannot allow Nasods to be welcomed here in this village." The chief said, he raised his chin. "If you really wish to keep these people here then they must stay at your house, I do not wish to purposely waste my time with these people." 

Amos ran to Yang's side, hugging the Phoru tightly around the leg he responds," fine, they'll be staying at my house." 

The chief shook his head at the response," this new generation is hopeless." He mutters. 

Turning his back to us he gestures the villagers to return to their daily routines. Whispers erupt in the crowd as the villagers dispatch, I could see fear reflecting off their eyes. I understand they are afraid of Nasods but it's still rude of them to treat our team like this---we haven't done anything to them.

 "However," the chief adds on." If those two Nasods cause any trouble you and your sister will take the blame for their destruction." 

"Fine," Amos replied. Without another exchange of words the chief turns away and began his way home. 

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz