She gave me a hug. Normally I would blush if a girl gave me a hug. Especially since she was only wearing underclothes and was, dare I say it, super hot.

I hugged her back.

What else was I supposed to do?

But good things can never last. Especially something this good.

Cristiano walked in.

He started shouting in a different language that was probably Portuguese. She responded calmly in the same language and his expression instantly softened.

Then, he switched back into Spanish and spoke to me. "Martin, can I talk to you for a moment?" He said with a smile.

That didn't make me any more calm.

I was going to die tonight.

As soon as we had gotten away from Adriana, his smile melted away into an expression of pure anger.

He led me into a dark hallway which had a dead end at the end.

He pushed me against the wall, and I was more scared than I had ever been in my life.

"What the f**k were you doing with my girl?!" Cristiano shouted at me.

"She was just comforting me." I said and my voice shook.

"Just comforting you my a**!" He yelled at me then continued. "I thought that I could trust you! I saw great potential in you! I thought, someday, when I retired, you would take my place! Now, I can't. I have seen that you are a lier and a trator." He yelled at me, and then finished our conversation with a few punches to my face.

It hurt so bad.

"Don't expect to be on this team anymore." He growled at me and then turned around.

Then he stopped abruptly. I got the courage to peek over his shoulder, and there they were. The whole team. Jaws dropped and phones out.

"If any of you show this to Coach, I will break your legs!" He shouted at them then stormed off into one of the many rooms in this hallway.

We all understood the gavity if this situation. 

James was the first one to say anything.

"I don't care what she says, but we have to show this to Adriana. She has to know." He said, not smiling for the first time in hours.

The rest of them slowly nodded, and apparently they knew exactly where her room was. I knew because it was where my problems began.

We all filed in, and this time, she was wearing all her clothes. (Thank goodness)

Adriana's POV

All of the boys except for Cris filed onto my room, and I immediately knew that something was wrong. Martin was the last to come in, and I gasped when I saw his face. He had a black eye and slap marks were still bright red across the side of his cheek.

"Martin, are you okay? Who did this to you?" I said while running up to the poor kid. I was going to kill whoever did this to him.

Why did he have to be dragged into my complicated life?

"We have terrible news." James said. He always made the best out of everything, so if something was terrible to him, who knows what it could be to us?

I checked out Martin's face to see the extent of his injuries, and it was bad. Really bad. Whoever did this was obviously very strong. I hugged his head, and then Iker started talking.

"You need to see this video. We recorded it just now. No editing." He said while handling me his phone.

I watched the video in horror and disbelief.

After the video was over, I just cried.

Then Cris came into the room. He saw my crying and immediately came to comfort me.

"Get away from me, you monster!" I half screamed, half cried. "I never want to see you again! Don't expect me to ever talk to you again." I yelled at him.

He seemed confused. I continued.

"I saw what you did to Martin. We are done. We are leaving right now." I said and them turned to the rest of the team who were watching. "Who's coming with me? We are all going to my place, away from this person. I have enough space." I said and them briskly walked out of the room.

I'm so sorry that it took forever to publish this chapter. Recently, my family lost a member. My grandpa. So I needed a few mental days.

Also, sorry about this chapter. I knew it was coming from the beginning of the story. Plus this will leave more options for how this goes. Please comment who you think Adriana should end out with.


James Rodriguez?

Martin Ødegaard?

Someone from a totally different team?

An old friend?


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