You're Back

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

Currently I was sitting in the main lobby of the military base. I sat alone while my dad paced around in front of me. At the opposite end of the room Trent sat. Sometime during the journey back to the base he regained consciousness, but I didn't understand how considering just how drunk he was. Anyway, he was just sitting there with his head bowed. It was almost as if he was too weak to hold it up himself and I probably would have been too. I mean, the alcohol was slowly leaving his system and my dad slammed his head into a brick wall; that kind of stuff doesn't exactly make a person stronger.

My dad was currently at a crossroads though. He was very, very angry. Trent has hurt or tried to hurt my mom and he has now tried to hurt me. I still remember him telling me just how much he wanted to actually kill him when he hurt my mom. He even asked Optimus tonight if he could, but Optimus was still as strict as ever when it came to Autobots hurting humans. He just said to bring him here to let the humans deal with him so that's exactly what he did. He also contacted my mom and informed her about what happened, so we were waiting on her to arrive. There was no doubt she was going to bring Natalie and Nate, so this one going to be one interesting confrontation.

My dad was worrying me though. He was still particularly angry; I could just tell by how aggressively he was pacing in front of me. He seemed to be having some sort of inner battle with himself and it was probably because of Trent. He was just sitting a mere five feet away which meant that my dad could just simply reach over and snap his neck, but because of Optimus--and me--he was fighting hard to prevent from doing so. It was also probably why he remained so close to me. He was not only trying to keep himself calm, but he was also trying to protect me in case Trent decided to try something again. I highly doubted that he would be stupid enough to even think about it and his condition probably wouldn't allow him to do it. I was almost certain he had a concussion though.

After about five more minutes of silence and aggressive pacing, the entrance doors swing open. My mom rushed in with Natalie behind her as well as a very angry Nathan.

Nobody even had the time to speak before Nathan's eyes landed on his father. My dad even stopped pacing and watched as Nate stalked over to his dad. Trent lifted his head up at the sound of his footsteps and for a split second his eyes were filled with happiness until he took in the expression on Nathan's face.

What I wasn't expecting next was for Nate to grab his dad by the collar of his shirt and lift him up off of his chair. He slammed him into the wall behind him and I gasped. Trent was beyond scared by this point.

"Who the hell do you think you are putting your hands on her?" Nate seethed. It didn't take me long to realize he was talking about what happened between the two of us.

"Oh my gosh," I heard Natalie say.

My dad chuckled at the exchange which didn't surprise me at all. If he wasn't allowed to hurt Trent then I guess watching someone else hurt him was entertaining. It even helped that it was his own son.

"I-I am sorry, Nate," Trent managed to get out.

Nate growled in response. "I don't give two shits about how sorry you are, Trent. You are not to touch her or even so much as look at her again. Do you understand me?"

Trent only nodded in response.

I was just as shocked about this as my mom and Natalie were. Never in my life would I think that this sweet boy would ever do something like this to someone, especially his own father.

"Good job with this one, Kay. I quite like him," my dad said to me.

I rolled my eyes at him and ran over to Nate. He still had a death grip on his dad and I was afraid if someone didn't stop him  he'd end up in jail for assault or even worse.

"It isn't worth it, Nate."

It was as if the sound of my voice had some kind of effect on him. He let go of his dad and turned around to face me. His eyes lit up at the sight of me and he studied my face for a few seconds before pulling me to him. I squealed at the abruptness but soon wrapped my arms around him. He held me tighter and a wave a comfort flowed into my body, a comfort that I have been longing for for the past two weeks, and I was more than happy that it was coming from Nathan.

"Oh my gosh, Kay. I'm so glad you're okay. You don't know how happy I am," he mumbled into my hair.

I chuckled. "I think I do."

He kissed the top of my head before pulling away from me. He glanced down at his now unconscious dad before looking at mine.

"What are you going to do with him?" he asked.

My dad opened his mouth to speak, but wasn't given the chance before a new voice sounded.

"How much time do you have?" my Cappy spoke.

I turned my head to see him walking down the hallway with a few other soldiers and some military cops. I could only assume they were here to take care of the half-drunken mess laying on the floor.

"Oh gosh, dad. Don't kill him, please," my mom said to him.

He snickered and bent down in front of Trent. "Don't worry, sweetie. It won't be anything too drastic."

He patted Trent's cheek before standing back up. He motioned for the cops to pick him up and so they did. In minutes they disappeared back down the hallway. My grandpa looked at me and smiled.

"I'm glad you're okay, sweetheart."


He--just like everyone else--looked shocked over the fact that I was actually speaking now. I didn't blame him though. It has been quite awhile.

"You talk, what the hell?"

I giggled.

"It's new to all of us, Will," my dad remarked.

My grandpa glanced at him before looking back at me. "You're damn right it is. I need to go now though. You all have a nice night."

He walked back down the hallway as quickly as possible. Nate and I just turned back to face our parents.

"So, what now?" Nate asked.

And then it just hit me.

"I want chicken nuggets right now," I said as serious as possible.

My mom looked at me with wide eyes. She almost looked as if she were about to cry.

"Holy shit." She covered her mouth and ran over to me, wrapping me in a hug. "You're back, you're back, you're back."

I wasn't necessarily "back" per se, but I was definitely feeling much better than I was. I wasn't going to tell her that though. She seemed happy and that's really all that I've been wanting to see.

"Yes, mom. I'm back," I laughed.

She pulled away from me and wiped her eyes. Oh my gosh.

"Let's go get your chicken nuggets right now. You can even have fries if you want and so can Nate. This is just too good," she babbled as she pushed me towards the door.

All I could do is shake my head at her. I knew, though, that with this group of people right here I was definitely going to be okay.

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