Getting Ready

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

I didn't think that getting ready for something as simple as a dinner could be so laborious, and I was doing absolutely nothing! My mom has been running around my room trying to find the perfect outfit for me to wear over to Nate's house. I didn't understand why it was such a big deal; I mean, I was just going to dinner! For once in my entire life I wished she would be like my dad. He was downstairs taking a little stasis nap. He didn't seem to care much about what was going on up here, and I was glad. I didn't need both of my parents playing the fashion police; not that my father would do something like that, but still.

At the moment I was sitting on my bed watching my mom rummage through my closet to find me something suitable to wear to this dinner. Nate was going to be here to pick me up in about forty five minutes, and I still had yet to find an outfit and do my makeup. It was a really good thing I took a shower earlier, or I'd be screwed.

"Mom, hurry up."

Almost five seconds later she turned around with a few articles of clothing in her hands. She had a black leather jacket, a loose grey top, and my black ankle booties. All the outfit needed was a pair of jeans, and I found myself scoffing at the thought. I could've picked that outfit out in a matter of three minutes!

"It took you almost half an hour to pick out that?" I inquired.

She made a face and threw the outfit at me. I caught the jacket and let the rest fall onto my bed. How in the hell was I supposed to fit the sleeves of this thing over this cast.

"How do you expect me to fit the sleeves of this over my wrist?" I asked, showing her my cast ridden wrist.

"It'll fit. Just change," she told me before walking out of my room.

I groaned and did as she said. Once I had on a pair of blue jeans I began to do my makeup. Since I wanted to look presentable, I decided to take a bit more time on it. I spent about forty minutes on my makeup, and was left with five minutes to spare.

I grabbed my phone and my bag before running down the stairs and into the living room. My mom and dad were in there like I had expected, but Carly, Sam, and Ethan were also sitting in the living room. The moment Ethan saw me he ran over, engulfing me in a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry about your wrist, Kay," he told me as he squeezed me.

"Aw, it's okay, Ethan. I promise," I assured him.

He pulled away from me, but held on tightly to my shoulders. "Are you sure?"

I laughed and nodded. "Yes, I am. Now, why are you here?"

"Carly and Sam wanted to come over, so I tagged along so I could see you and actually apologize," he chuckled. It was still weird how we both called our parents by their first names instead of actually calling them mom or dad. I mean, I did, but most of the times it was either Azalea and the occasional Ironhide.

"Ah, makes sense."

"So, I hear you have a date tonight," he mused, wiggling his eyebrows. I scoffed and smacked him in the arm. He was having way too much fun with the fact that I had a friend that just so happened to be someone of the opposite gender than me.

"It's not a date or anything like that. I'm just going to meet his parents," I said slowly. That sounded much, much better in my head.

Ethan laughed loudly, grabbing the attention from all of our parents--except for my dad, seeing as he was still fast asleep on the couch.

"What are you laughing at, E?" Carly asked him.

"Just the fact that Kaelyn is going to meet her future in laws," he snickered, causing the three of them to laugh as well.

I sighed and shook my head at him. He was so immature sometimes. I honestly didn't know why I was even friends with him in the first place, nor did I even have a clue why I even considered him my brother.

"Shut the frag up, Ethan."

"No, but seriously. When are we going to hang out like we used to? I miss my baby Kay," he whined, tackling me into the couch. I grunted at the sudden weight, and attempted to push him off of me, but he clearly wasn't having it.

"Um, last time I checked I'm older than you, so I'm not a baby. And I'll come and stay this weekend. Just please get off of me," I grumbled.

"Yes!" he exclaimed. He placed a sloppy kiss on my forehead and got off of me. I sat up and was about to speak until my father's deep voice sounded.

"Your friend is here," he grumbled, rolling onto his side to face the back of the couch. It was only then that I noticed the loud sound of his Nate's dad's truck engine.

I stood up and said goodbye to everyone before heading out the door. Even from the door I could see how Nate's eyes lit up when he saw me, and I smiled at him before hurrying over to hop in the large truck.

"Hi," I chimed, nothing but pure happiness in my voice. It's been a few days since I've seen him, and you never really realized just how much you missed being around someone until you were away from them.

"Hello, beautiful," he greeted me as he pulled out of the driveway. "I like the cast on your arm."

I looked down at it and frowned. This thing was such a nuisance.

"It's annoying."

"Well, I'm just glad you're okay and it wasn't something too serious. You don't know how worried I was when you didn't show up to school, and not to mention you wouldn't answer your phone," he chuckled.

I shook my head. "I think I know. And I was unconscious."

"I did get to talk to your mom though. She's a very nice person. I just hope you're ready to meet mine. She's going to love you," he told me with a smirk.

"I hope so."

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