Small Talk

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

I've been in this retched hospital for the past six hours, and although I enjoyed being around Ethan and Jessica, I also wanted nothing more than to leave. There was only one good thing about this hospital though and that was the food. After being told I needed to leave Ethan's room so they could run brain tests on him or something, Carly gave me some money so I could get Nate and I something to eat. At the moment I was eating some sushi and some chicken tenders. It definitely was not a good mix, but I didn't care. They tasted heavenly and I was savoring it as best as I could.

The hospital cafeteria was nice as well, and it was not only because of the vast amount of food choices they displayed. I felt like I was in some sort of space station and for a half Cybertronian who has never been into space this was a big thing for me. It was beautiful in here and if I could choose one place to stay in this hospital it would be this room, but I had to get back up to my friends.

"I don't understand how that tastes good to you," Nate remarked as he put a fry into his mouth.

I just smirked and took a bite of my chicken tender. "You don't have to."

He shook his head at me and began eating his burger. With the large cast on his hand it was rather difficult for him to hold it, so for me it was actually funny. Now he knew how I felt when I broke my wrist the first time. The only difference was that he would have his on for a total of six weeks while my fast healing Cybertronian side only allowed me two weeks.

As I watched Nate eat his food a thought came into my mind. It's been a few weeks since I've heard anything about Trent and his mom, or even about how their relationship was going. It was weird and it actually worried me a little bit.

"Hey, Nate?"

"Hm?" he hummed with a mouth full of burger.

I snickered before getting serious. "What's going on with your mom and dad? Are they okay or?"

He frowned and put his food down. This couldn't be good.

"No they're not, actually."

"What happened?"

"Well, my mom told my dad that she wanted to leave him a few weeks ago. Everything went downhill from there. My dad destroyed almost everything in the living room, and he almost hurt my mom again. I was forced to literally remove him from the house after that. We haven't seen him in three weeks," he explained to me.

"I'm so sorry, Nate," I said quietly as I grabbed his hand.

He smiled at me. "It's okay, babe. We're both much better off without him."

"I just hate that my dad and I had part in your mom's decision to want to leave him," I sighed.

"Please don't worry about that. It was bound to happen anyway," he told me. Part of me wanted to know what he meant by his final statement, but the other part of me knew that I was better off not knowing at all.

"Um, are you ready to go back upstairs?" I asked him. I finished my food about two minutes ago and by the looks of it Nate wasn't going to eat anymore.


He grabbed both of our trays before I had the time to say anything. After dumping them into the trash he walked back over and grabbed my hand. Soon enough we were out of the cafeteria. The journey back up to the ICU was mostly silent. I blamed the dreariness of hospitals for the silence. It was just so awkward and sad being around so many sick and dying people.

Once we reached the ICU, I decided to venture into Jessica's room with Nate. Odds were that they were still running tests on Ethan and there was nobody in Jess's room at the moment. She looked like she could use a few friends right now.

"Hey, dollface," I chimed as I walked into the room.

She looked away from the TV and looked over at us. It didn't take long for a smile to appear on her face.

"Hi, guys."

"How is everything?" Nate asked her as we sat down.

She sighed and turned the TV off. "Everything is good if you exclude the amount of pain I'm in and the fact that my boyfriend doesn't even know who I am."

I frowned. Jessica was aware of everything that was happening with Ethan and she was more than upset about it, just as everyone else was. It was still upsetting to me. Whenever I looked at Ethan I saw him through sixteen years of memories, but whenever he looked at me he just saw me, a random girl who went by the name of Kaelyn. It broke my heart, and I wanted nothing more than for his memory to come back. I honestly didn't know how much longer I could go on like this.

"I know. I hate it so much. I just want him to remember. It's so difficult to have him look at me and not even see me," I told her. Nate placed a comforting hand on my back and I smiled at him as best as I could.

"I know, it's awful. But he'll be back before we know it. I promise," she tried to assure me.

I just sighed. I truly hoped she was right about it.

A/N: Short chapter, but it's a filler. Thank you for reading. I love you all.

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