Idiot Break-In

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

"We're here to watch after the demon children!" I yelled as I ran through the front door of my house with Nathan behind me. We were supposed to be back about fifteen minutes ago, but traffic actually exists. It was rather annoying sitting in traffic, but in the long run I didn't mind it. I didn't particularly want to watch these delinquents, but Adalyn was buying me McDonald's, so that was really the only reason I was doing it.

"It's about damn time," my mom muttered as she ran down the stairs.

I raised a brow when I saw the way she was dressed. She wore a tight dress with a white skirt and a black piece that ruffled, and her black heels were high as they normally were. Her long, blonde hair was curled to perfection, leaving loose waves cascading down her back. Her makeup was done up as well, more so than usual. She looked like a fucking twenty year old, and it pissed me off. How could she be getting so old, but getting prettier. It didn't make sense to me. Aside from that, I knew the reason she wore loose clothing. Her baby bump was very noticeable in this dress, but it was cute. It was still so weird to think that my little brother or sister was swimming around in there.

"Can it, Muffy. We got stuck in traffic," I said to her, throwing my shoes to the floor. Traffic was not the only thing that gave me problems tonight.

My mom just gave me a look.

"Are you pregnant?" Nate randomly asked. He seemed a bit bewildered.

My mom snorted back her laughter. "Yeah. I thought Miss Big Mouth over here would have told you by now!"

"I had more important things to talk to him about, thank you."

"Oh, how did that go?" she asked as she grabbed her coat and purse.

I chuckled. "He's still here, isn't he?"

"Touché. Adalyn, hurry up! Carly is waiting on us!" she yelled up the stairs.

"Where are you guys going anyway?" I asked.

"Somewhere you're not old enough to go," she smirked.

Ah, fuck you, mother.

Before I had the chance to respond Adalyn came running down the stairs. She was wearing a white cocktail dress with lace detailing at the neckline. She wore burgundy colored pumps with them, and her chocolate brown hair was pin straight, reaching just below her breast. She looked just as beautiful as my mom did. She was just a few years younger than her, but it still angered me all the same.

"Why are you two so pretty?" I whined.

"The Lennoxes and the Hughes have wonderful genes," Adalyn smirked. "Why do you think you're so cute?"

I gave her a look and she laughed.

"Okay, we're leaving now. Please be nice to Emma and Noah. They're in the living room watching TV at the moment. If you have any problems please do not call me. There's money in the kitchen for food if any of you get hungry," my mom chimed before running out the front door.

I turned to Adalyn who just shrugged. "Good luck."

She kissed me on the cheek before running after my mom, nearly tripping over her heels in the process. I just laughed and shut the door before heading into the living room with Nate. Just as my mom had told me, Noah and Emma were laying on the couch watching some stupid kid show on Disney Channel.

"Listen here, delinquents," I started. They both looked up at me. "Nathan and I are in charge of you little scrap heaps tonight, so you will do as we say or I will not hesitate to use force!"

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