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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

For the past three days I have been at the hospital with Ethan and Jessica, only going home when visiting hours were over. Jessica was doing much much better than she was the first day she came here and she was still improving, so they ended up moving her from the Intensive Care Unit down to the fourth floor which was just for normal injured or sick people that didn't require as much care as the ones on the sixth floor. Ethan, on the other hand, was only getting worse and that stressed me out quite a lot. Apparently there was something going on in his brain, but the doctors couldn't get a clear enough picture to figure it out. You'd think they'd be able to though. I mean, it's 2029, so the technology should be advanced enough to tell you what's wrong with a human brain. It was very frustrating to say the least.

School started back up again as well. Yesterday was the first day back for Nate, Jessica, and I, but Nathan was the only one who went; I refused to go and Jessica was still incapacitated. Anyways, I was a straight A student with a 4.5 grade point average. My teachers would survive without me for a few days or even weeks. Jessica and Ethan were my main priority at the moment and it wasn't like I needed high school in the first place. I was a walking computer for Primus's sakes.

Being in this hospital was just as depressing as it always was. Bumblebee and I were the only ones here with Ethan. Carly and Sam tried to get off of work again, but they couldn't. Mikaela and Leo had to go back home, as did Adalyn and the twins. My parents were at work as well which made me question how Bumblebee was even here. The only thing he told me was that he snuck away and turned off his com-link. If Daniel Mearing was anything like his mother then Bumblebee was in for a rude awakening when he returned back to base.

Ethan's room was much the same as it has been since he's been here only a lot less drearier. I still couldn't get over the fact that he looked so broken or the fact that he still didn't know who I was. It broke my heart and I still could barely even deal with it a week later. Everyone was upset about it of course, but that was to be expected. We all loved Ethan to death and the fact that he remembered no one was an upsetting part for us all. Even my dad was a bit upset about it, but most of his emotion was due to the fact that I was upset.

At the moment Bumblebee and I were sitting on either side of Ethan's bed just looking at him. It sounds kind of creepy, but there was really nothing else we could do. I'd already eaten, there was nothing on TV, and Bumblebee and I didn't really favor walking around a hospital. It wasn't really the ideal place to just hang out and chat.

"How long do you think it'll take for him to be back to normal?" I asked without so much as thinking. No one understood just how badly I wanted Ethan to hurry up and heal. He needed to heal quickly so he and I could do dumb shit together.

"I'm not sure. By the looks of it maybe like three to four years," Bee told me.

I gave him a look. "You're such an idiot."

"I'm just trying to lighten the mood," he shrugged, causing me to shake my head at him.

"I know, but I'm being serious. I just want everything to be back to normal, Bee. I want him to remember me again. I want it back to where the three of us do stupid stuff together and end up getting in trouble; I want it to be where I could go over and stay at the Witwicky household and I want it to be where he can come and stay at my house. It's just not fair. Why did that stupid truck have to run that fucking stoplight?" I grumbled.

After three whole days I finally found out who was to blame for the accident. A man driving a Silverado decided he needed to get to a bar in downtown Washington DC before they closed for the evening, so in his haste to arrive he decided to run a red light, not even knowing what was going to happen. He was killed on impact. The only reason I wish he was still here would be so I could teach him a nice little Cybertronian lesson for hurting Ethan and Jessica the way he did. On the bright side though, the four of us are receiving a nice little paycheck because of it, or at least that's what the man's family lawyer has informed our parents. Ethan could replace his car and I could replace all that shit from the mall that got destroyed in the wreck.

" I know, Kay. He's going to be okay though. I can promise you that," Bee assured me. I just nodded and hoped his words remained true.

What seemed like years of silence, when in reality was just ten minutes, I heard a very pained grunt. Bee and I jumped up almost instantaneously. I looked down at Ethan to see that he was attempting to open his eyes. This is the first time the entire day that he's been awake and I was rather ecstatic about it.

The moment I saw his grey eyes I smiled. His eyes shifted between Bee and I and before I knew it his eyes were widening.

"Kaelyn, Bumblebee? What's going on?" he spoke.

I furrowed my eyebrows and glanced at Bumblebee before looking back down at Ethan. "You're in the hospital, Ethan. We're here visiting you."

"Why am I in the hospital?" he asked. He attempted to sit up but I could only assume that the pain in his body forbid him from doing so.

"We got in a bad car wreck. You and Jess were injured pretty badly," I explained to him.

"Oh my gosh. Is she okay? Is Nate okay? Are you okay? I'm so sorry," he babbled.

It was then that recognition hit me. Ethan remembered. He remembered me, Jessica, and even Nate. He had his memory back even after the doctors said he wouldn't get it back for at least a few months if he managed to recover. This was honestly the greatest day I've had since the wreck happened. I couldn't believe this.

"Oh my gosh, yes. I'm okay. Nate's okay too, and Jess is recovering. You remember us?" I asked him, letting a single tear fall down my face. It was a happy tear, of course.

He gave me a look. "Of course I remember you, twat bag."

I couldn't help but smile harder. This was the Ethan I know and sometimes loathed.

"Well, he remembers," Bumblebee said to me. He was most likely recalling our earlier conversation.

"Everything hurts," Ethan groaned.

"Well, there's a lot wrong with you," I laughed. He had a very pained look on his face which made me frown. "Ethan, tell me what hurts?"

He squeezed his eyes shut. "Oh my gosh. It's my head, Kay. I feel-I feel like it's about to explode."

"That's pretty normal when you have a concussion though. Do you want me to get a nurse?"

"Yes, please."

I decided instead of going out to get one that I'd just use the snazzy little button on the side of his bed. In seconds a nurse walked into the room and over to us.

"What's the problem?" she asked as she approached Ethan.

"He says he has a major headache, so he told me to page you. I figured it was just a concussion thing, so I thought that maybe you could get him some medicine or something," I suggested.

She furrowed her eyebrows and looked down at Ethan who seemed to be slipping in and out of consciousness. I had no clue why, but it worried me.

"Ethan, sweetie," the nurse started, patting his cheeks lightly in an attempt to keep him up.

He only opened his eyes for a split seconds before they closed. What happened next was absolutely nothing any of us were expecting at all, and if anything it frightened me to the point of wanting to scream loudly. Ethan's entire body began spasming and I knew then that he was having a seizure. This couldn't be good at all.

The moment I started crying Bumblebee pulled me to him. The nurse began yelling and before I knew it the hospital room was filled with various nurses and a few doctors. All I did was cry as I watched them wheel him out of the room.

What the hell was happening to my best friend?

With All My Heart → TransformersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz