Steak & Potatoes

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

The school week flew by particularly fast. It should've been grueling and difficult like it normally was, but with Nate it was never like that. He made my days at school exceptionally better and I still couldn't thank him enough for that. It was now time for me to head over to Carly and Sam's place for the night so I could hang out with Ethan like he's been wanting me to. I could not complain about it; I was more than excited that I finally got to hang out with my best friend after having not for so long.

I threw everything that I was going to need for the night into my purple Nike duffle bag. Once I had everything situated I grabbed my purse, my bag, and my phone. My dad was waiting for me by the door when I ran down the stairs and I smiled up at him.

"Hi, daddy."

"Hi, sweetspark. Are you ready to go?" he asked me. Sweetspark was new; I haven't heard him call me that since I was young.

I nodded in response to his question and he opened the front door, gesturing me out of it. Without another word I ran out and made my way over to his alternate mode. The passenger's side door opened and I hopped inside. My dad's holoform followed shortly after, and soon enough we were off to the Witwicky household.

Majority of the ride to Ethan's house was fairly quiet, aside from a few remarks about Nate from my dad. My mom had been getting to him and that definitely was NOT a good thing whatsoever. If I didn't keep him away then Primus knows what he would have to say about him then. I just hoped he kept his mouth shut on Sunday, but knowing him he would probably have plenty to say and more.

Soon enough we arrived at Ethan's very big and very nice house. My dad parked in the driveway behind Carly's Audi to let me out.

"I'll be back to pick you up tomorrow. Your mother will be at work," my dad informed me.

I looked at him. "Why? She never works on Saturdays."

"It was either tomorrow or Sunday, and she claims she has a lot of preparation to do for this dinner on Sunday. I honestly have no clue. Your mother is a very special kind of person," he chuckled.

I giggled at his remark about my mom being a special kind of person. "You can't help but love her though."

"You've never been more correct about anything," he smiled. I could tell that he was just thinking about her.

"I'll see you tomorrow, dad. I love you," I told him as I opened the door to get out.

"I love you, Kay."

I smiled in response and hopped out. I practically ran to the front door of their house and threw it open. Most people would have knocked, but that was the thing about being so close to someone. They were basically family, so I could pretty much just walk in whenever I wanted, yanno, unless they weren't home and their door was locked.

"I'm here! Your evening just got better," I exclaimed as I walked into the house.

I threw my bags to the floor beside the door and walked further into the house. The sound of loud footsteps could be heard in the hallway, and then all of a sudden I was being tackled into a hug.

"My Kay!" Ethan exclaimed as he squeezed the life out of me.

"My E!" I laughed.

He pulled away and smiled at me. Sam soon strolled into the room and wrapped an arm around my neck, wasting no time at all to greet me with a noogie.

"How's my favorite little techno organic today?" he asked as he rubbed my head.

I laughed and removed myself from his grip. "She's good. Where's aunt Carly at?"

"She's cooking dinner at the moment," Ethan answered. It was then that I noticed the faint smell of oil and spices. Whatever she was making smelled absolutely divine.

"Awesome." I plopped down onto the couch, careful not to disturb my broken wrist. Ethan sat down on top of me, and I could almost bet that he had been gaining weight. He was a lot heavier than I remember him being.

"You're really soft, Kay."

"Get off of me," I grunted. He was crushing my internal organs and it was rather irritating.

"Nope," he chuckled.

Thankfully Carly called everyone for dinner. Ethan jumped off of me and ran into the kitchen before I even had the time to think. I followed shortly after him and ran into the kitchen. The moment Carly saw me she smiled and wrapped me in a hug.

"Hi, aunt Carly," I chuckled as I squeezed her.

She pulled away and handed me a plate. "Hi, Kay. Help yourself, sweetheart."

She didn't have to tell me twice, especially since she fixed steak, mashed potatoes, and macaroni and cheese. All of it looked so good, and I would be surprised if I didn't have more than one plate. I quickly piled my food onto my plate and hurried over to sit down at the dining table beside Ethan. His plate barely had anything on it and I always found myself laughing at the fact that I could eat more in an entire day than he could in a week. It was really sad, actually.

"You're a bottomless pit," Ethan remarked as I took a bite of my mashed potatoes. I could only smirk, seeing as my mouth was full of food.

"The fact that she can out-eat you is really sad, Ethan. I mean, she may be half human, but she's still a girl. It's upsetting to me as a father. You have disgraced me," Sam baited his son. I snickered and took a drink of the tea Carly sat down in front of me.

"Excuse me if I don't like a lot of foods," Ethan mumbled, stabbing his steak with his fork.

"Even I can eat more than you, E," Carly laughed. It was true though. Carly could eat quite a lot, yet she still managed to look insanely good.

"Shut up and eat your dinner," Ethan countered.

Carly shook her head and turned to me. "So, how are you and Nathan doing?"

I was definitely going to kill my mom.

"Um, I don't know. I mean, we're friends is all," I told her.

"Friends and future spouses. Kaelyn is too stupid and scared to realize that she actually has feelings for this boy," Ethan spoke up.

I pursed my lips and looked down at my food. I have established why Nathan and I could not happen, no matter how much I wanted it to. Wait...what the frag did I just think?

"Uh, me and Nathan are friends and we are nothing more, nor are we going to be anything more," I said, mostly to Ethan so he would shut his mouth.

"If you say so."

"So, what are we doing tonight?" I asked him, attempting to change the subject.

"Well, Bee is supposed to come over later on so I guess we'll just go from there. I really don't have anything in mind."

"Whatever it is you idjits better behave," Carly scolded.

"Yes, mom," both Ethan and I laughed. This was going to be a good night.

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