Game, Set, and Match

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

It still had yet to quit storming. I wished it would stop though. Unlike most people, I could not get to sleep at all when it was raining, and even so I was still insanely upset over today's and yesterday's events. I still didn't understand why in the hell my parents were doing this to me. It didn't make sense to me, especially after recalling all of the countless stories they've told me from when they first got together. I knew about the way my grandpa acted when they told him they were together, and I knew about what that government leech Galloway did to them too. If anything, they should at least take those two situations and match them to mine. Maybe then they'd know how I was feeling about all of this.

At the moment I was laying in bed watching TV. It was about eight o'clock at night, so there was nothing much I could really do except for this. I knew that if I asked to go anywhere I would be denied permission, and I still didn't want to be around my parents at the moment. I knew that I was being a bit irrational about this situation, but so were they.

I practically buried myself into my comforter and turned the TV up a little bit. I was hoping that I could go the rest of the night without any disruptions, but that hope was soon ripped away when my bedroom door opened. I didn't dare turn around to see who it was though. Odds were that it was my mom or dad, and I didn't want to talk to either of them.

"Kaelyn," a deep voice sounded.

Hey, dad.

I made sure to ignore him, and just so he'd take a hint I turned the TV up even louder. He sighed loudly and made his way over to me, snatching the remote out of my hands. He shut the TV off and sat down on my bed. I just rolled my eyes and stared at my bedroom window.

"Can you turn around and look at me? I want to talk to you," he spoke.

"I'd much rather you didn't."

He sighed again, and the next thing I knew there was a hand on my arm. In a swift movement he turned me to where I was now facing him.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"To talk to you. I believe I just established that," he remarked.

I sat up, wrapping the comforter around my body. "What if I told you I don't want to talk to you?"

"I'd tell you to quit being an obnoxious little slag head and just listen to me," he chuckled.

"Fine. Say what you need to say."

"I want you to know our reasoning for doing this, Kay. It is in no way meant to hurt you," he informed me.

I frowned. "I know what your supposed reasons are, and it may not be meant to hurt me, but it is hurting me. It's not fair of you to separate me from the person I want to be with just because you're a little bit paranoid."

"Kay, we want to protect you. You truly do not understand just how much pain it would put me in to see you the way I saw your mother seventeen years ago," he told me.

"I do appreciate the fact that you two are trying to protect me, but there's nothing to protect me from. Nathan is harmless. He is nothing like Trent, and I know he would never do something like that to me," I assured him.

He ran a hand over his face. "But the risk-"

"There's no risk, dad! Look, can I ask you something?" I cut him off.


"When Cappy first found out about you two and said you couldn't be together, how did you feel?" I inquired.

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