I Will Return

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

A random show was playing on the television, but I wasn't paying much attention to it. I was too busy texting Ethan to even pay attention. I've been home now for about two hours. In reality I had a wonderful time over at the Witwicky household. It was odd considering the fact that I despised Jessica, but over the course of the night I grew to like her. She apologized for everything, and I forgave her; I wasn't one to hold a grudge. It turns out that underneath that pretty girl image she was just like Ethan, personality wise of course. Apparently the two of them met at the mall about two months ago, and Ethan wanted to wait to tell me about her until it was official. I still don't understand his reasoning for it, but I didn't really care. I was just glad that he was finally happy. It didn't take a genius to see just how happy Jessica made him, and I was grateful to her for that. Just seeing my little brother happy made me happy and I just hoped it stayed that way.

Out of the corner of my eye I watched as the door to bedroom opened. I locked my phone and set it down on the bedside table when I noticed my dad walking in the door. I smiled at him and sat up, gesturing him over to me. He shut the door and walked over to my bed before plopping down beside me.

"Are you about to leave?" I asked him.

"Yes," he said, turning his head to look at me. There was this look in his eyes that was telling me exactly what I was afraid of.

"I take it she didn't tell you?"


I groaned and fell back on the bed. "This is exactly what I was afraid of. I want her to tell you herself."

"But you promised me," he reminded me.

I frowned and sat up again. He was upset, but I didn't exactly blame him. His mate was refusing to tell him that she was pregnant with his child. I knew why she was scared, but if I was in this situation I would definitely tell my mate. I mean, he was going away on a mission, and we couldn't even be positive if he was coming back. I would never be able to live with myself if I was my mom and something happened to him.

"Okay, fine." I took a deep breath. Even I was afraid of how he would react, but it was now or never. "Mom is pregnant...again."

His eyes widened. "I'm sorry, what?"

"She's pregnant," I coughed.

"Slaggit," he grumbled before throwing his hands to his face. I couldn't tell if he was mad, hurt, or just shocked. "How far along is she? Did she tell you?"

"Eleven weeks."

"Three months; she's kept this from me for three months," he spoke absentmindedly. He was mad, hurt, and shocked.

"She was scared, dad. But if it makes you feel any better she kept it from me too," I tried to console him. It wasn't exactly working.

"Why was she scared to tell me? I know why she was scared to tell me that she was pregnant with you, but this doesn't make sense to me," he said.

I sighed. "You kind of told her that you didn't want another child. You told her that taking care of me was stressful enough, so she's afraid that you won't want it," I explained to him.

He shook his head. "That slagging woman takes everything to heart."

I didn't even get the chance to respond before he was rushing out of my bedroom. With a groan I got up and followed him. He ran down the stairs and into the living room. There was no doubt he was about to chew my mom out for keeping this from him. I didn't know whether to be thrilled or scared about it.

"Azalea," my dad growled.

She looked up at him with a smile on her face, but it dropped when she noticed his expression. She stood up so she could get a better look at him.

"What's wrong, Hide?" she asked, placing her hands on his arms.

He sighed and moved away from her, causing her to frown. "How could you go three months without telling me that you were pregnant?"

Her face dropped and she looked at me. "You told him?"

"You wouldn't, so I had no other choice but to tell him. You would never forgive yourself if he left here without knowing and then never came back," I remarked. She didn't respond because she knew I was right.

"Do not be mad at Kaelyn for telling me what you could not," he chastised her. I was glad Adalyn and her kids liked going to bed early or this would just be awkward.

She sighed and stepped closer to him. This time he didn't move away. "I was scared. You told me you didn't want another one, so what would me actually having another do to change that?"

"You take everything to heart, Lea, absolutely everything," he started.

"I'm sorry that I took a serious topic seriously," she growled. Hello mood swings.

"Listen to me," he said, taking a step closer to her and placing his hands on either side of her face. "Never ever keep something like this from me. I don't care if you're scared or not."


"No, I don't care. Taking care of Kaelyn might have been very stressful for me, but it was worth it and I'd be more than willing to go through that again for you," he told her.

I smiled. "Aw, I feel special."

My dad glanced at me. "You should."

"Okay, I am so sorry for not telling you," my mom said to him.

He smiled and kissed her on the lips. "Just please don't do it again."

"I highly doubt that will happen," she chuckled.

He just shook his head at her and pulled her in for a tight hug. Since I was standing relatively close to the two of them he reached out and grabbed me. I let out a huff as he pulled me to him, but soon enough wrapped my arms around him and my mom.

"You two are my entire life. Never forget that," he said, squeezing us tighter.

"Aw, you really do have a spark," I teased. He grunted and kissed my head before letting the two of us go.

"I need to go before Optimus has a conniption fit," he told us.

I frowned and hugged him again. "I'm gonna miss you. Please stay safe."

"Of course, kid. I love you."

I pulled away from him and smiled. "I love you too."

"And I love you," he said, turning towards my mom.

She smiled and hugged him again. "Please, please come home."

"I will return. I promise," he assured her. He kissed her on the head before pulling away. "I need to go now. I'll see you two in a few days."

"See ya' soon, dad."

"Bye, Hide."

My mom and I just watched as he walked out of the front door. An immediate wave of sadness came over me and I frowned. This was going to be an excruciatingly long couple of days for not only me, but for my mom. I just hoped he would be okay.

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