Secrets & Promises

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

Olive Garden was nice just as it normally was. I got the same thing I normally did, which was the shrimp alfredo. Nathan, like the lovely person he was managed to reserve a rather private area for us so I could tell him what I needed to tell him. I loved the fact that he respected me enough to do this, and he didn't even know just how secretive it was. Either way he was the absolute best and I was more than thankful to have him.

I was busy munching on a breadstick when Nate finally spoke up. He had already finished his food, which was something I didn't understand. I truly hoped he didn't get sick because I did not want to have to clean it up.

"I'm getting kind of nervous," he laughed.

"Why?" I asked with a mouth full of food.

"Because of what you have to tell me. I hope it isn't bad," he said, scratching his arm nervously.

Oh, Primus.

"Please don't be nervous. If anything I'm the one who should be nervous about it. I mean, if I tell you you'll either leave me or stay. I'm afraid you're going to choose the first option," I chuckled.

He gave me a serious look. "You are literally everything to me, Kay. I would never even dream of leaving you."

I took a deep breath and pushed my plate away from me. "Do you promise you'll keep an open mind? I really don't want to lose you, and I'm afraid that after I tell you this I will."

"I promise, Kay," he told me as he grabbed my hand. "You're not going to lose me."

"Okay," I sighed. "Might as well just say it."

"Yeah, you should before I throw up."

I snickered and looked around to see if anyone was within hearing distance. Luckily for me there wasn't. Turns out this area was a lot more private than I anticipated it to be.

"Okay, so...I'm not completely human," I told him.

He raised a brow in disbelief. "What?"

I looked around again before holding my hand out in front of me. It's been quite a while since I've done this, so it took every last ounce of my concentration. After a few seconds of just looking at it, my skin finally started peeling away, causing Nathan to cough. My hand was no longer visible in a sense. In place of it were five metallic fingers along with a metal plated palm. I decided just to transform my lower arm. It was easy to hide if someone decided to make an appearance.

"So, this is me. Half human, half Cybertronian," I said to him as if it were no big deal. In reality it was a big deal. This was the deal breaker.

"That name, Cybertronian, it rings a bell," Nate spoke. He was in deep thought for a few seconds before realization lit up his features. "Cybertronians! They're those alien robots, aren't they? The ones that destroyed Chicago, Egypt, and Mission City, Nevada? I've read so much about them."

I laughed and put my hand under the table. "Well, a certain faction of the Cybertronians did all that. The other faction helped to prevent that as much as they could," I informed him.

"Oh yeah. I forgot about them. Are you a good one?" he asked. I was kind of relieved he hadn't run away yet.

"Yes, I am half Autobot I guess you could say?" I chuckled.

"But both of your parents are human? How is that possible? Are you adopted?" he asked. He was so curious and so cute. I loved it.

"No, no. My mom is human and my dad is very much Autobot," I told him.

"But-he's the truck?" I nodded. "What about that man? You know the one you look like?"

"That's his holoform. All the Autobots have one except for Sideswipe and the Wreckers. It helps them interact with humans to keep from frightening them as much, but as for my dad it allows him to live a perfectly normal life with his family," I explained.

"This is so fucking cool. So, are you like a holoform? Is that Maybach in the driveway you?" he questioned.

I snorted back my laughter. "No, Nate. I am more human than anything else. It's just my interior that's Cybertronian, as well as my senses, durability, and my ability to transform."

"Well that explains why you lifted your cousins with such ease the other day," he laughed.

"Yeah, I get it all from my dad."

"What kind of senses do you have?" he asked. The fact that he was so intrigued made me fall harder.

"My hearing is much stronger than a normal human beings'; I can hear up to a mile away if I concentrate. My vision is impeccably strong," I averted my attention to the wall at the opposite end of the room. "I can read every single word on that picture."

He turned his head to see what picture I was looking at and nearly choked. It was a good thirty feet away from us and the words were very small, which meant that the probability of him being able to read it was very low.

"What does it say? Who painted it?"

"Vincent Giovanni, nineteen fifty-three," I told him with a smirk on my face.

"Damn, babe. What else you got?"

"I can sense humans' emotional levels and their bio signatures and stuff like that. Plus, I'm stronger than the average human, especially the average teenage girl. I'm probably stronger than you, but I think I'm going to let you keep your ego where it is," I teased.

"Please. No one is stronger than me." I raised a brow. "Except for maybe your dad and his friends."

"Right," I laughed.

"So, when am I going to get to meet the rest of your Autobot family?" he inquired.

"You've already met my dad and Bumblebee, but-"

"Wait, I've met another besides your dad?"

"Yes. When you came to dinner with all of us he was the blonde one with the bright blue eyes," I told him.

"So the one who looks like a Calvin Klein model," he stated.

"That's the one. But if you really want I could take you to the base and you could meet them; holoform and Cybertronian form. We just have to wait until they return home," I told them, a frown on my face.

"Where are they?"

"They're overseas at the moment taking care of an issue."

He noticed the sadness in my voice and grabbed my hand.

"They're going to be okay. I promise," he assured me.

"I really hope so."

He smiled and released me. "I'm just glad you told me this. It makes my feelings for you grow and I didn't even think that was possible at this point."

My eyes lit up at the sound of that. "So you're not going to leave me?"

"Of course not. I would never in a million years leave you. As long as you want me here I'm always going to be here," he told me.

I couldn't help the smile on my face. I couldn't thank Primus enough for putting this amazing boy in my life. 

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