Who Are You?

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

It was just a few weeks ago that I was sitting in this exact same hospital waiting for the doctors to diagnose my mom's weird heart condition. Now I was sitting here waiting to see if my friends were going to even live or not, and it was truly one of the worst things I've ever had to endure. I just couldn't believe that this was even happening at the moment. A good day at the mall turned into this twisted fight to the death. I honestly don't think I've ever felt this sad before, not even when my mom was on her deathbed, or when my parents forbade me from seeing Nate. This was a different kind of sadness, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. All I knew was that it wasn't good and I wanted nothing more than for it to completely go away.

On the other hand, there were way too many people packed in this waiting room at the moment. You'd think that the waiting room for the intensive care unit would be quite big, but that was not the case here. The number of people in here may have been making it seem smaller than it was, but I didn't care. It still wouldn't hurt to expand a little bit. I mean, they only let family in the rooms of the patients unless the patient requested for a specific someone. This was not the case either. Both Ethan and Jessica were still very much unconscious and I had no clue when they were going to wake up or if they would even wake up in the first place.

This entire situation was just giving me an even bigger headache than my injuries were. After dad retrieved me from the crash site he took me straight to Ratchet as I figured he would do. It turns out that I only managed to come out with some soreness, a few bruises, and some cuts, but my worst injuries were the two gashes on my forehead. They were absolutely horrendous. Ratchet claims that they were caused by at least two pieces of glass because of the deepness and the smoothness of them. I didn't care much for the specifics though. They didn't bother me as much as they should. If anything they were a lot less painful than sitting here in such a dark atmosphere.

I was sitting in the floor, leaning against my dad's legs. Like I said, everyone I knew was here which is part of the reason I'm in the floor. Nate was here, the Autobots were here, Cappy's here, Adalyn and the twins were here, my parents were here of course, some of Jessica's friends from school were here, and even Leo and Mikaela were here. Carly and Sam were here as well, but they were in the room with their son where they should be, just like Jessica's parents were with her. It was crowded, quiet, and rather awkward. Nobody knew what to say or do. We all just sat and waited. It's all that we could do at the moment.

After a few more moments of silence passed the waiting room door opened. We all looked over immediately. A man who looked to be in his mid thirties walked into the room. He wore a white coat and glasses and he also held a clipboard in his hand. I could only assume that he was the doctor, and this is the first time I've seen any doctor in at least three hours. He had news and I was actually kind of scared to find out what it was. Jessica and Ethan were either fine or they weren't. There was no in between.

"Are you all friends of Ethan and Jessica?" the doctor asked the room full of people.

No one in the room uttered a single word though. There were just a few nods to confirm his question.

"Alright. Well, we'll start with Jessica. She's okay," he started, causing her friends to sigh in relief. "She has a few bruises, scratches, a broken leg and a broken collarbone--both of which required surgery to correct--but I can assure you that she's going to be fine."

It made me feel better knowing that Jessica was okay. That meant that Ethan could be okay too. I could only hope so. I honestly didn't know what I would do if I ever lost him. He was my closest friend and one of the greatest people I've ever met in my life. I'd be lost without that idiot.

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