Good Sauce

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

Math class was absolutely the worst thing someone my age could possibly endure; I actually felt sorry for some of the students in this school because of this particular subject. There were so many numbers, so many letters, and so many different formulas you were supposed to memorize. I didn't understand why mathematics was even a necessary subject in the first place. Teachers and administrators claimed that we needed to know math for the future, but I still had yet to use a single formula outside of this prison hole, and even if I did need to use it for some reason I could easily do so. Those were the perks of being "half advanced".

The only thing that was even getting me through this lousy period was the fact that I had lunch next. Mom had packed me some chicken and shrimp alfredo for lunch, and I was more than ready to eat it. It got to the point that I thought about taking it out and eating it in class, but nowadays eating in class during a lesson would only get you detention, and I definitely did not want to be in this place longer than I was obligated to be.

Also, I was particularly thrilled about hanging out with Nate during lunch. He decided that he would much rather eat lunch with me in the comfort of the school library than sit in the cafeteria all alone surrounded by a bunch of stuck up scrap heaps who were only good for illegal drugs, drinking illegally, and partying. I was perfectly fine with it. Nate was nice and I already liked him better than 99% of the human population.

About five more minutes passed before the bell for first lunch finally rang. I nearly sighed in relief and stood up, throwing all of my belongings into my bag. Nate stopped me before I had the chance to walk out the door and informed me that he would meet me in the library after he went to his locker. I smiled and nodded at him before heading up the stairs to the library.

Like normal, there was no one inside except for our librarian, Mrs. Johnson. She was really the only person in this school that I actually liked besides Nate. She even let me use her microwave, and that was something other students couldn't do.

"Hi, Alyssa!" I greeted her with a friendly smile. She absolutely hated it when I called her by her last name.

She looked up from her computer and gave me a warm smile. "Good afternoon, Kaelyn."

I always found myself getting jealous whenever I looked at her. She looked like a model right out of a magazine, and I often found myself wondering why someone like her was here working in this piece of shit school. Unlike most librarians who were old and grumpy, Mrs. Johnson was young and nice. She was 27 years, and that was part of the reason she despised being called Mrs. Johnson.

I quickly made my way over to the microwave in the corner of the room and put in my chicken alfredo. During the duration of the time in the microwave Nate still hasn't showed up, and I could almost bet that he got lost. This school was a piece of shit, but it was absolutely huge.

The moment I sat down at the table the library door burst open, and Nate walked in with quite a flustered look on his face. I almost laughed at it.

"Sorry I took so long! I got lost. I keep forgetting how big this school actually is," he chuckled as he walked over to me.

I looked at Mrs. Johnson to see that she was confused by the boy's appearance.

"Uh, Alyssa, this is Nate. He's new here. Nate this is Mrs. Johnson, our librarian," I introduced.

A look a realization flashed across her face and she smiled, as did Nate.

"Hello, Nate. You can call me Alyssa if you'd like," she told him.

"It's nice to meet you, Alyssa. I hope it's not a bother that I sit in here and eat lunch with Kaelyn." Ugh, he was so nice.

She shook her head quickly. "Of course not. Enjoy yourselves." He thanked her before sitting down beside me.

"So, what'd you bring to eat today?" I asked as I took a bite of my alfredo.

"I've got a grilled chicken sandwich and some chips, but that's about it," he informed me.

"Sounds fantastic. I'm taking some chips," I told him, reaching over to grab the salt and vinegar chips from beside him.

"Why yes, Kaelyn. You're more than welcome to have some chips," he teased as I put two in my mouth.

I giggled and finished them before going back to my alfredo. My mom sure did know how to cook some good food.

"Uh, Kay?" I heard Nate say.

"Hm?" I couldn't very well speak properly seeing as my mouth was full of food.

"You have a little something," he chuckled.

I was just about to reach my hand up to my mouth to wipe away whatever it was, but before I could Nate beat me to it. He wiped the alfredo sauce off of my face, and stuck his finger in his mouth.

My eyes widened in surprise and he only smirked. My stomach fluttered and I could feel my cheeks heating up because of his actions.

"Good sauce. You can tell your mom she did a fantastic job," he chimed.

What the actual fuck was happening?

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