IV. April, Ch. 42

Start from the beginning

     "Kissed him? Kissed who?"

     She pouted, threatening to start sobbing again. "Mr. Leblanc."

     "You did? When? Where?"

     She said nothing.

     Bruce's face turned hard. He lifted her chin up with a bent index finger. "Did that creep kiss you? Because if he did, I'll go in there and—"

     "No, no. I kissed him. Just now. On the lips. In the theater."

     Bruce regained his cool. "You? Kissed him?"

     She nodded.


     "Because. I thought he loved me."

     "So, you just kissed him on the lips?"

     "Yes. And I know it was stupid, but I really through he saw me that way."

     Bruce looked impressed. A chuckle escaped his pursed lips.

     Among the sadness, Shelley found enough energy to get mad at Bruce. She punched his shoulder. "It's not funny."

     He allowed his lips to smile all the way. "I'm sorry, kid, but it is. I didn't think you had it in you."

     "I'm going to be in so much trouble. Don't you get it?"

     Bruce grabbed her shoulders. He was back to his caring and protective demeanor again. "Let me see what I can do."

     Shelley wiped her face and smiled. Before she could thank him, she noticed another tall and blonde figure standing behind him.

     Douglas stood several feet away, the expression on his face letting her know that he heard everything.

     Shelley's skin turned white. Her lungs demanded air. She was in between an anxiety attack and a fainting spell.

     Bruce looked over his shoulder and saw him.

     Douglas looked back, just as impressed as Bruce was a moment ago. "Wow. I don't believe it. I didn't take you for the type, Shelley Stone."

     Bruce pressed his lips together in defense. He looked back at Shelley, speaking in a professional tone, one he'd never used before. "That's not bad, but next time, try to show a little more emotion. And keep your inflection in check, okay?"

     His eyes locked with hers and widened. Shelley got the message. She nodded in obedience.

     "And don't forget to throw your voice as far as you can. Remember, the audience needs to hear you loud and clear."

     Shelley tried to keep up with the charade, but Douglas' suspicious face was too distracting.

     Bruce picked up on it and turned around. "Do you mind? We're trying to get into character here."

     "I don't get it," said Douglas. "Are you two going steady now or something?"

     "That's none of your business," said Bruce "Now, get lost."

     "I just don't see how that's going to work, given that you're... well, you know..."

     Bruce let go of Shelley's shoulders. His face and neck tightened. He was his old, violent self again.

     Shelley grabbed Bruce's biceps. "Forget it, Bruce. It's not worth it."

     Douglas ignored her and took a step towards Bruce. "You haven't told her, have you?"

     This was news to her. "Told me what?"

     Douglas spoke to Shelley, but his eyes were on Bruce. "Did my cousin ever tell you why his parents kicked him out?"

     Bruce was beet red. "Shut your mouth."

     "Go ahead. Tell her what my uncle and I caught you doing behind the pool house. And tell her who was with you."

     Shelley watched the two of them stare each other down. She was concerned for her own safety. And Bruce's.

     Bruce shoved Douglas, sending him several paces back. "I said shut your mouth."

     It was the tick that set off the explosive. Douglas lunged at Bruce, ramming his left shoulder into his stomach like a football player.

     Despite being shorter and weaker, he managed to take Bruce down into the concrete.

     Shelley gasped, unable to do anything but stand by in fear. She wanted the violence to stop, but what could she do other than stand back and yell at them to break it up like all the classy women did in the movies?

     The boys wrestled on the ground, each of them trying to strangle the other.

     Shelley was leaning more and more towards a panic attack.

     Bruce grunted through Douglas' chokehold as they both got to their knees. "Don't act so high and mighty," said Bruce. "Grandpa didn't leave Uncle Earl a dime after he died because he was a thief. You and your family are broke."

     Douglas' voice was weaker, but clear enough. "Tell Shelley why you live with Uncle George while your parents are in Europe. Tell her what you really are."

     Bruce slammed his skull against Douglas' nose, making him let go of his neck and sending him down to the ground with blood on his nose.

     Once the boys were separated, Shelley ran to Bruce and helped him get back on his feet.

     Douglas stood up, wiped his bloody nose and took angry steps towards his cousin with his fist in the air.

     Shelley felt a surge of bravery run through her like a current. She put her hands out in front of him. "No, stop, don't hurt him."

     Douglas froze and stared at her in amazement. He pointed to his own nose. "Look what your boyfriend did to me. He's dead meat."

     He raised his fist again.

    "If you hurt him, you hurt me," cried Shelley.

     The words left her mouth before she could stop them. It was a line she heard adults say so many times before. She didn't understand the meaning or the potency behind those words until now.

     Bruce placed a firm hand on Shelley's shoulder. "Back off, kid. This coward isn't above putting his hands on you if it means getting to me."

     She turned around and looked at Bruce, checking his body for injuries. "Are you okay?"

     "I'm fine."

     Douglas looked at the two of them with vengeance in his eyes. He pointed a finger at Shelley. "Wait until the whole school hears about what you've done, Shelley Stone."

     Bruce took a step forward, pushing her back with his arm. "You spread a single lie about her and I'll tell everyone what I know about your bum of a father."

     "I'd love to see you try," said Douglas. "I'll tell everyone what I know. About you."

     Douglas spit on the ground and walked away.

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