To: Niall

Check the news, Nialler.

Tears formed in my eyes and they blurred the image of Kate as she walked in front of me, the tapping of her soft footsteps filling the carpeted hall. We simultaneously shoved open the large glass doors to go into the parking garage. My phone rang, and a loud, shrill noise filled the air. I slid the answer button to the far right corner of the screen, and placed the phone against my ear. The phone rested against my now bare skin with a cold tingle.

"Hello?" I questioned, as the call connected. I waited while for the answer. Sounds of shifting echoed through the phone, the soft sounds barely audible.

"Is this Harry?" A low, gruff voice answered. It sounded like a man that was in his mid- to late fifties, and he didn't sound happy. I didn't recognize the phone number, and for all I knew, it could be Havener on the other end. The muffled sounds of breathing ensued, filling the silence as I waited for an answer.

"Yes," I responded quickly, sounding more unsure than I meant to. "With whom am I speaking?"

"This is Dan Falkes with the London Police Department," he said. "We need to speak with you immediately." As soon as the words came over the phone, I felt my heart skip a beat. Why was he calling me? Did they think I was involved in Louis' death?

"O-oh," I stuttered. "What about?" I tried playing coy, hoping that maybe he would tell me what they wanted from me. I didn't want to go down there. I didn't want to have to face the fact that Louis was gone. I didn't want to answer their hard questions, but I didn't have an option. I couldn't run. I wouldn't let them think I was involved by running from them.

"About Louis," Dan said. "I think we both know that you know what happened." I couldn't respond to him because he was right. I didn't know what he wanted me to say. I had nothing to say. I couldn't give the police the answers that they would want because if I did, I would either incriminate myself as the perpetrator because I knew so much, or Havener would kill me with the nanites for giving up his plans.

Maybe it was worth it to die for the good of humanity.

For the good of Kate.

I watched as Kate sauntered over to my grey Audi R8. She looked over at me from where she stood, her fingers wrapped around the door handle. She tapped her foot on the ground impatiently while I stood there, still on the phone with Mr. Falkes.

"Harry, come on, we need to hurry," she hissed, the sound hardly carrying to my ears. I waved my hand at her, motioning for her to be quiet. Mr. Falkes rough voice sounded through my end of the phone again.

"You need to come downtown now," Dan said again, his voice sounding louder now than it had before.

"I'll be there, Mr. Falkes," I answered him. My voice sounded hollow and far away. I hung up the phone and replaced it in my pocket before shuffling my feet the rest of the way to the car.

"Who was that?" Kate asked, once we'd both gotten into the vehicle, and were out of earshot of any passersby. I glanced over at her, her long face full of concern as I backed out of the parking spot.

"It was the police," I said solemnly as I pulled out of the garage. The humming of the engine filled the silence between Kate and I as I drove. She said nothing, seeming to understand the gravity of what I'd said. If she didn't, she hid it very well.

"They think you're involved, don't they?" Kate's small voice sounded from beside me as I drove; narrow streets congested with more traffic than usual. I nodded, and my eyes wandered from the road for a moment. I let them gently graze her soft face, flowing brown hair and pale blue eyes before I looked back at the road, tapping my thumbs along the hard black steering wheel. The remainder of the drive was filled with mostly silence, the stress weighing heavily on our hearts. I wondered if Nialler had checked the news like I’d instructed. He’ll be crushed, I thought. They all will.

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