22. There's this man

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There's this man I always see.

He dances through the galaxy.

In his little box blue box, he flies away.

Fighting monsters and saving the day.

He has nice hair, and sculpted thighs,

Until you look into those big, sad eyes.

The pain and grief of over a thousand years,

Crammed inside him, released only by tears.

He doesn't know I've passed him by,

Constantly seeing the Time Lord cry.

The sad thing is, he's all alone.

Without his planet that he calls home.

But he has me, that puts his sadness at ease.

Until one day, I have to leave.

They all leave, always, some of them die.

The ghost of his companions still haunt his eyes.

Amy, Rory, River and Donna,

Martha, Jack, Rose and me, Clara.

I was born to save him, I'm the impossible girl.

And he, the Doctor, is my world.

There's this man, he's not at all dim.

He's called the Doctor. And I love him.

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