"Well, I'll see you later." She said.

"Later where?"

"Well BYE, Jared." She said walking away.

"I swear she stalking me." He sighed.

"Aww was that your little girlfriend? She's really pretty." I smiled.

"No ma." I answered. "I don't date."

"So you're gonna be lonely your whole life? Ew." Justin's friend said.

"No, ima be surrounded by bags of money and my people." Jared said.

"Not including you." I said.

Jared high five me. "Teamwork." We both laughed.

"Well, let's go celebrate another win." I smiled.

"Yes, let's." Kevin grabbed my hand and we started to walk away.

"Wait! Celeste you ain't introduce me." Justin yelled.

"Yeah I know." I said. "Besides, you didn't either."

"Can I pull the car up to the front?" Jared asked.

I nodded and handed him the keys.

"Well, Serena this is my ex, Celeste."He smirked. "Celeste this is my girlfriend Serena." He bent down and kissed her.

Hey." I smiled. "Hug?"

"I prefer not." She said.


I nodded. "Understandable.. well, Justin and Serena. This is my friend Kevin. Kevin this is Justin and his girlfriend Serena." I said.

"Hey." He said.

"Sup." Justin said.

Jared P.O.V

I was sitting in the car with wayne at the front waiting for Ma.

"So who was that girl?" He asked.


"Nigga that's what I'm asking you. Her name was avian or sum."

I laughed a little. "You talm bout Avianna? Man she ain't nobody. She come up to the job. She always smiling at me and shit."

"Bruh its obvious she want you."

"Ion date." I simply said.

He said "oooo" as he spotted Avianna coming out the school. "Man she fine! You don't want her?"

"Ion date." I shrugged.

He rolled down the window. "Avianna!"

She looked around until her eyes landed on me.

She skipped up to the car. "Yes?"

"I ain't call you." I said looking staring
right ahead.

She stood there for about 2 minutes.

"Girl, gone somewhere." I said.

"Jared I think its pretty obvious I think you're cute."

"So, a lot of girls think I'm cute. What make you different?"

"Why are you such a asshole?" She asked.

I rolled up the window. "Bye Avianna." I laughed. Why she hadda curse.

"Damn man, you made her mad." He said.

"Lemme look in my fuck box real quick." I opened the box glove. "Whoops, don't got none." I shrugged.

After a few more minutes Mr.K and ma came and got in the backseat. Dylan said she was staying with dad for a day.

"Ma Wayne gone stay at the house but we gotta stop at his house so we can get some clothes." I told her as I started driving.

"That's fine with me." She said.

I drove to his house quickly and then we went in and got all the stuff he needed.

"Mom can I go to Jared's house?" He asked as we went in her room. "Hey dad."

"Hey. And yes, hey Jared." She smiled.

"Hey ma." I smiled. Then we left.

"Love you!" We called as we left.

We went home and I took a quick shower. Now I was layin in bed on my phone.

"Ain't this her?" He asked, showing me a profile on Facebook.

I nodded. "Yeah that's her."

"Send a request." He said.


"I'll stop bugging you if you do."

I sighed loudly and sent her a request on Facebook. About 30 minutes later I got a notification and burst out laughing.

"She declined my shit!" I laughed.

"Damn, you made her mad."

"Whateva." I laughed. I was on her profile already so I went through some of her photos. "She slim thick."

"Ass fat." He added.

I laughed. "Nigga don't you have a girlfriend?"

"Hell yeah." He answered.

"Well I'm goin to sleep." I said as I turned off my phone and went to sleep. "Got school tomorrow."

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