Tough love- Chapter twenty six; interruptions

Start from the beginning

I heard Ryder slam his hands on the windowsill. "Who was that?" Ryder demanded in a harsh tone. I flinched and hugged my knees, not making any noise.

"Who was who?" Zach smirked. I kept my eyes on Zach at all times, trying to control my breathing. (Not helping that we just made out ten seconds ago.) "Stop the dumb bullshit, Zach. The girl you were making out with in here. I swear to god, if its Alex I'm going to-"

"You'll what? Beat me up? Sorry to break it to you, Ry, but I could beat your ass in a heartbeat." Ryder was quiet a minute, not exactly sure what to say. And Zach's smirk was just mocking that.

"Stay. Away. From Alex. She doesn't need all this trouble in her life. You've already fucked up with Lexis and now she's who knows where. I'm not letting you break Alex's heart the way you did with Lexis."

Whelp... I'm glad I know the story. (Sorta.) So I'm not as confused. But its not like I can say anything now. Zach's smirk was completely gone. It was more of an angry frown. "Ryder.... I didn't purposely break her heart okay? I actually cared for her. I just got drunk one night and accidentally kissed a girl. It's not my fault she flipped out and then had sex with you."

Woah! I didn't know that! That girl be a hoe. Seriously....

"Doesn't matter, Zach. Was the girl Alex or not?" Zach looked back at me. I just nodded, telling him I didn't give a shit if Ryder knew it was me or not. Zach sighed and looked at my older brother. "Yea." Ryder immediately opened the door and pulled back the passenger seat. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me out. Enough to where it hurt.

"Fuck Ryder! Ow! That hurts! Shit." And here we go with my curse words. Ryder pulled me out of the car and started dragging me towards my house. I heard a car door shut and within seconds, Zach neared us. "Ryder. Stop. Your hurting her." Zach commanded, grabbing both my arms and yanking me out of Ryder's grip and into his.

I hate playing rag dolls.

"He's just going to use you Alex! Can't you realize this?!" Ryder yelled, turning to me and Zach. I opened my mouth to say something, But Zach stopped me. "You don't know me at all Ryder! I've never purposely used a girl! I didn't mean to hurt Lexis and I'm not going to hurt Alex either! Get that through your small ass head!" Zach screamed.

Zach let out a harsh breath. He was mad. I chewed my lip.... again. "You aren't separating us, Ryder. I will make sure of it." Ryder narrowed his eyes at us. His fists clenched in fists at his sides. He the looked at me. "If you get hurt.... don't you dare come back to me." With that, he turned and walked into the house, skipping the steps up the the porch.

I was mad. Zach was mad. Ryder was mad. Zach grabbed my shoulders and turned me to him, embracing me in a hug. His arms wrap tightly around my waist as mine go around his neck. He squeezes me as tight as he can and I sigh at the feeling of his chest tightly against mine. I tighten my arms around his neck, wanting nothing but to stay here.

"I'm sorry, Alex-"

"No. Don't you dare apologize to me. We both did this ad I don't care what Ryder thinks. I like you... a lot more than I should." I mumbled the last part. Zach didn't pull away. But I heard him chuckle and cup the back of my head with his hand and squeeze it tightly.

"Me and you both, Parker-"

"Alexandrea Danielle Parker! It's ten o'clock at night, where the hell have you been?!" My dad yelled, taking me and Zach both away from each other.

We both turned to the doorway to see Ryder standing there with a smirk on his face while leaning against the wall, arms crossed. and our dad stoning out the door. Shit. That's what I'm in. Deep, fucking, shit.

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