Tough love- Chapter twenty five; Kiss his Macaroni and cheese covered lips.

Start bij het begin

Zach put the picnic basket down and took out a large red comforter. He laid it down and ushered for me to sit on it. I smiled and blushed at him and sat down, kicking off my high tops. Zach say right in front of me. Both of us sat cross legged.

He started getting out the food and once he was done, there was pasta salad, macaroni and cheese, water bottles, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, salt'n vinegar chips, and pickles.

Zach handed me a plate with everything on it and then made one for himself. We both started eating.

"So.... who sent you that video?" I asked, chewing on my sandwich. He practically stopped dead in his tracks, but then resumed chewing. "Caiden."

I clenched my fists. "I should've known." I mumbled. I was avoiding looking a t him because I was nervous too. This guy has already held my hand, saved my ass, and fed me food today at a park. So don't think I'm not nervous as crap.

"Can I ask you something?" Zach asked, making me glance up at him before down at my food. "Anything." I answered, taking a bite of my macaroni. "Dis you kiss him back?"

I almost spit out my food. Did he seriously just ask this? What the actual fuck? "Zach no!" I yelled, coughing. "I would not do that to you! I don't like Cole," I like you, I thought. And I swear I was about to say it, but my mouth would only use the start of the word. "I-..... I...." I couldn't say it!

Zach cocked his head to the side, chewing on a chip, which also made his perfect jawline stick out even more. "You what?" He asked. I looked at his face, my own heating up. I then sighed and looked away. "Never mind."

We finished the rest of our food in silence. After I was done, I put my empty paper plate into the picnic basket, the way Zach had done with his own. As I turned to look back forwards, I caught a glimpse of Zach staring at me. His face was a little confused, but a little hopeful. I remember how he said he had something to tell me. Is he going to tell me?

Zach shifted towards me, scooting forward and crossing his legs. Once he got all the way to me, his knees where touching mine because I was also cross legged. I chewed my lip. What is he doing? I'm already nervous and now he's making it ten times worse!

"Be completely honesty with me here, Alex.... Do you like me?..... Because I really..... really..... like you," My jaw fell a little. I stared at him, trying to speak to him and scream 'Yes!' My god yes! But my mouth wouldn't form the shape of the words and my throat was clogging up. "Alex?"

I can't breath! I really can't. It feels as though a twenty pound brick is on my chest and stomach. My body was heating up like an engine. "Alex are you okay?" Zach asked, grabbing my shoulders and slowly sliding his hands up and down them. I shivered like crazy. Shocks hit me like a hurricane and his hands left a cold shivering mark down my arms.

I think I have goosebumps. "Hey.... Alex, oh my god. Your freezing. Here." He leaned behind him and grabbed his leather jacket. I'm not freezing. I'm fucking burning up like I'm sitting on the sun. He try offering it to me and I shook my head, still chewing on my lip. "N-No. I'm burning u-up." I said honestly.

Zach only stared at me a minute or two. Then he smiled and put his jacket back behind him, his eyes never leaving mine. "Am I right if I take all that as a yes?" I still chewed my lip. I squeezed my eyes shut for a couple seconds before looking up at Zach.

I nodded....

And his smile never faded.

His smile was from ear to ear. It was the happiest smile I've ever seen on his face. He ran his tongue along his perfect plump lips and the bit the bottom one. I shot my eyes up to his. They were an amazing shade of blue. A dark dark blue outlining it, and the inside all light bright blue. They were beautiful...... Just like always.

My lips were still being all fucked up by my teeth. But I could still feel them trembling. His lips look so inviting.... such a perfect light pink color. So plump....

I really want to kiss his macaroni and cheese covered lips.


His eyes shot down to my own lips before he met my eyes again. Does he want to kiss me? Dear god, please let him kiss me. Because everyone knows I have no confident when it comes to guys.... that I like.

"Alex..... you really shouldn't chew your lip." I opened my mouth to say something, but was cut short by Zach's lips. I let out a breath of relief at the exact same time Zach did.

This is what I've been wanting.

I let my eyes close shut and the feeling of Zach's lips against mine just take me somewhere else. I wrapped my arms slowly around his neck while his found there way around my waist.

Once he got to my waist, he picked me up and sat me on his lap, so that I was Straddling him. It was way easier to kiss him like this. My head was perfectly aligned with his and we now both had the perfect angle.

I wrapped both my legs around his waist and held him to me. He had his arms tight around my waist, hugging me even closer to him. I sighed as his lips moved faster, His arms got tighter, and his smile got bigger. I smiled at feeling him smile.

I moved my hands to bury in his hair, messing it up even worse than it usually is. His moved up to the middle of my back and butt(The middle of my spine) and he pushed as hard as he could so that both of our chests were pressed tightly together. I could feel mine and his heartbeats both going at a rapid pace, which made me smile.

Zach licked my bottom lip, wanting to discover my mouth with his tongue. So When opened up my mouth, he did exactly that. My toes curled up into the blanket as he fought with my tongue. After a while, I let out a loud moan I had been keeping in for a while, making him chuckle and bite my lip.

I had to fist up his hair to make sure I didn't let another one out. Zach just smirked. I ran my hands from his hair and down to his shoulders, squeezing his shirt and wanting to feel his abs under my fingertips.

Zach kept smirking. He slid his hands slowly back down my back and when he got it my waist, he slid his hands under my shirt, holding my waist where he could touch bare skin, lighting me on fire even worse.

Dammit Zach. This isn't me. I don't do make outs or the whole friends with benefits things. I barley ever even talked to guys until this year. So knowing we aren't dating, is making me even more iffy about this. I mean, I know neither of us is dating anyone, but still.

If only he wasn't so damn, Addicting.

"Alex." Zach moaned into my mouth, giving me rough kisses and occasionally biting my lip. I smirked, biting his lip back. "I like how you say my name." I whispered. Zach chuckled and shook his head, picking me up off his lap and putting me to the ground. Zach's lips never left mine though, and our chests were heaving heavily.

Zach laid me on my back and climbed on top of me, one of his hands still under my shirt and the other resting on his elbow so that he could kiss me. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, bringing his chest back to mine once again.

Then I was the one to lick his lip.

Way to put a stop to things, Alex.

He opened his mouth, still giving me kisses like I was a drug. But I was sure for one thing. He is the drug. The most Addicting drug out there.

I kissed him like there was no tomorrow. I kissed him like he was my boyfriend, and that we were the perfect couple. Like nothing wrong was happening to us. Nothing wrong has happened.

I was in a completely different world.

And I loved it.

This is a rush. A huge.... kiss filled rush.

After a while, we had to pull away for air. Both of us was panting like we had just ran a marathon. His lips were swollen worse than the last time we made out. His eyes checked out my whole body, making me blush. Thank god it was dark out and he couldn't see. We were so out of breath.

His appearance didn't look to well either. His hair was a mess and you could tell someone ran their fingers all through it. His lips were far apart and like I said..... swollen like crap. And I could feel that mine were the same way.

But then..... my whole world turned upside down. Because Zach said something I would never of thought would happen to me.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

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