Chapter 23: My sons

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(Tris POV)

I open my eyes to a bright white light. I lift my head up and feel sore. "Lay back down babe." I hear a voice that I am very familiar with. I lay my head against the pillow and turn so I'm looking at him. I see him holding our baby boys. "How are you?How are they?" I ask weakly. "I'm perfect and so are they. They are completely healthy. What are we gonna name them?" Tobias says. "I like Jayden and Jordan." We both say. "You do?"He asks me and I nod. "Who's Jayden and who's Jordan?" I ask. He stands up and hand me baby one in my right arm and baby two in my left arm. Baby two looks more like a Jordan and baby one looks like a Jayden. "This one is Jordan." I say kissing the baby in my left arms head."And this one is Jayden." I add kissing the baby in my right arms head. I look up and see Tobias smiling. "Good evening Mrs.Eaton" Says a nurse that's walking into my room. I look up from Jayden and Jordan and smile. "Have they been fed yet?" The nurse asks. "Like an hour and a half after they were born."Tobias says. "Okay. They should be ready to eat again. Are you going to breast feed or give them formula?" She says. I blush and say "Breast feeding them." She smiles and Tobias takes Jordan so I can get Jayden ready to eat. The nurse explains to me on what to do then she walks out. I lift up my hospital gown with help from Tobias and position Jayden. It takes him a couple minutes before he latches on. It feels really weird. I have no clue how I am going to get used this. "This feels so weird." I say with a laugh. "It looks like it feels weird."Tobias says and then blushes. "I didn't mean to say that out loud!" He says while blushing. His face could put a tomato to shame. "Its okay. Its not like you haven't seen my boobs before." I say and he looks up with a grin. "Oh Shut up." I say and turn my attention back to Jayden who is now asleep. "That was fast." I say and Tobias puts him in his hospital basinet. Then he hands me Jordan and I do the same with him. I look at Jordan and feel happy for once in a very long time. I no longer feel like I am missing a piece of my heart. I am snapped out of my daze from the feeling of rough callased hands against my soft ones. "I'm happy we have our family back."Tobias then places a gentle kiss on my hand. "I am to." I say as I rub my thumb across Tobias hand. Jordan finishes eating a few minutes later and falls asleep in his basinet. "I love you." I randomly say. It makes Tobias jump a little. He looks up at me and smiles. "I love you to Tris." I try to scoot over on the bed but it hurts to. "It's okay I will sleep in the chair." He says but I will not let him sleep in a chair. I shake my head and use all the power that I have to push myself over. I pat the side of the bed and he raises his eyebrows at me. "Just get up here already." I say and he does. He wraps his arms around my body carefully and whispers "Forever and Always." I smile and kiss his hand. "Forever and Always babe. I'll love you til I die." I say and we drift off to sleep. 

(A/N-I am literally so sad to say that this was the end. Writing this has inspired me to do something with my life. Don't let people hurt you. Just ignore and walk away. I know that may be hard sometimes but in order to prove that it doesn't bother you, you might have to do that. But I wanna wish everybody a huge thank you for sticking with me through this book. It was my first ever fan-fiction. I thought it was a good book but it could've been better. There will be more Divergent books in the future. But for now I am only going to be writing three books. I will have a schedule for when I update them. I am working on two new ones. One of my own and a Sheo fan-fic. I love you guys. OH! There will be an epilogue. Goodbye for now!!) 

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