Chapter 20:Here We Go Again

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3 Months Later

(Tobias POV)

I wake up to the sound of the toilet flushing. Then I look over and see Tris is missing from her side of the bed. I thought this morning sickness was done and over with. I get out of bed realizing that I'm only in my boxers. I quickly throw on a pair of shorts and a T-Shirt. I walk over to the bathroom door and slightly push it open. Tris is sitting on the floor by the bathtub. "Did you get sick again?" I ask her. She nods and says "Yes but I don't get why I thought it was gone." I sit next to her and rub her back soothingly. "It'll be worth it in the end. I promise!" I say trying to cheer her up. We have a doctors appointment today. Tris is almost five months pregnant. She was almost a month when we found out about the baby. So today we might get to find out what the gender is. I hope it is a girl because I want a mini Tris running around the house. "Tris baby. We gotta get ready for the doctors. We have to leave in forty-five minutes if you want to be on time." I say and help Tris up. Her stomach already has a full baby bump. It's larger than what it should be at this stage in pregnancy. "All I have to do is throw on some sweatpants and shirt then put my hair in a messy bun and we can go." Tris says. So that's exactly what she does. I just put on my black jeans and T-Shirt. I walk out of the bedroom and see Tris sitting on the couch with her hands on her abdomen. She looks lost in thought when I grab her hand a pull her off the couch. "Come on. We gotta get going." I say and she looks down at her stomach once more than nods. I intertwine our fingers about half way to the doctors because Tris is becoming shaky. Her hands our sweating and beginning to shake very badly. "Tris everything will be okay. I promise." I say. She looks at me once more and we continue to walk to the doctors. We get there a few minutes later. Tris goes and sits in one of the chairs while I get us checked in. "Appointment for Tris Eaton" I say to the receptionist. She nods and types something into the computer then says "We can take her back right now." I get Tris then the nurse takes us back into a room. Tris sits on the table and we wait for the doctor to come in. A minute later we here a knock at the door and the doctor came in. "Tris will you please lay down and lift you shirt up exposing your stomach." She says. Tris looks at me with a hint of red in her cheeks but she does as the doctor says. The doctor puts this gel on Tris making her shiver at the touch of it. I grab Tris's hand and squeeze it. She smiles and turns her attention back to the monitor. The doctor starts to rub the gel around and soon we hear two heartbeats. "Um.. Tobias...Tris it looks to me like your having twins." The doctor says and my mouth falls open. I look over at Tris who is in tears. I hope those are happy tears because if not I don't know what to do. "Would you like to know the genders or you babies?" The doctor asks us. I look over to my now calm wife and nod. She smiles and says "Yes we would love to know" the doctor nods in response. Doctor Sanchez moves around the little wand thing and says "Congratulations your having two.....

Tris, my true love~TobiasOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora