Chapter 18:Our Anniversary!!

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Tobias POV

I wake up to the sunlight shining through the windows. I roll over and look at my sleeping Tris. Things have been getting easier for her but she stills cries every once in a while. Then I remember what today is. Today is mine and Tris's anniversary. We have been married a total of one year so far. It has been an amazing year. We had a couple bumps in the road but for the most part its been smooth sailing. "Happy Anniversary baby!!" I say to a waking up wife. She jumps right up and runs to the bathroom. I here the shower turn on and Tris say something. I get up and walk over to our bathroom and say "What was that babe?" She opens the door with a towel wrapped around her body and pulls me inside. "Happy Anniversary Tobias!" She says. I wrap my arms and pull her in for a kiss. I lean in to kiss her but she moves her head so I get the air. She laughs and pulls out of my arms. She quickly jumps into the shower. She throws the wet towel out of the shower at me. It smacks me right in the face. I quickly take my clothes off and jump in there with her. She doesn't see me get in so I decide to play a joke on her. She's getting her hair wet and I grab her arms. She screams and I'm pretty sure my ears started bleeding. "What the crap Tobias?What was that for?" She asks madly. "I'm sorry Tris. I just wanted to have some fun. I'm sorry forgive me." I plead. She leans in and kisses me. I kiss her back and of course I have to deepen it. I kiss her deeply and passionately and she does the same back. She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses more forcibly. She jumps up on me and wraps her legs around my waist. I push her up the rest of the way so I have a better grip on her. I turn us around so I'm facing the water and turn it off. I grab a towel for Tris and hand it to her. She quickly drys off and puts her pajamas back on. "Tris why are you putting clothes back on?" I ask her while wiggling my eyebrows at her. She shakes her head and lets out a small laugh. "To cause more work for you!"She says in a sarcastic tone. I walk over to her and pick her up. Then I throw her over my shoulder. She starts laughing and banging on my back. I walk us back over to the bed and plop her down on it. She bounces back up but I pin her down. She pulls me towards her by the collar of my shirt and kisses me. Not like our normal kissing. A rough and deep kiss. I kiss her back in a rougher way though. I move us up towards the pillows so she is more comfortable. I move my lips down to her neck and kiss it. I find her soft spot and kiss it. She moans and covers her face with her hands. She's embarrassed but I find it super cute when she does this. I take her hands away from her face and kiss her lips again. I lick her bottom lip asking for entrance. At first she has to think about it then she finally let's me. We both fight for dominance and of course I win. I move my hands down to the hem of her shirt and pull it off. She does the same to me and eventually all of our clothes are off. Things get a little more rougher after that.

(2 Hours Later)

Tris's head lays on my chest and she is tracing shaped with her finger along it. "What else do you want to do today?" She asks. I smile and say "Well we have to get up and get ready because. I'm taking you to a fancy restaurant tonight." She smiles then gets up and walks over to her closet. I also get up and get ready. She grabs her clothes and goes into the bathroom. She is in there for 2 and a 1/2 hours. I got dressed and ready in 45 minutes. I put on my Black suit and tie. Then I put some gel in my hair and wait. I eventually get lost in thought. Tris walks out of the bathroom wearing a black mid-thigh length dress with lace on it. She also did her hair into little ringlets. She did her make-up with smokey eye shadow with eyeliner and mascara. I can't help myself but just stare at her in awe. She looks even more beautiful than usually. She never goes out like this. She walks over to her dresser and grabs her black clutch purse that goes with it. Then she walks back over to me and grabs my hand. She laces her fingers with mine and pulls me into the hallways. As were walking out someone bumps into us. "Oh I'm... OMG!!! Tris where have you been?? How's the ba...." Christina says before I start waving my free hand under my neck telling her to stop talking. She gets the hint and stops talking. "I've been going through some stuff. But I'm okay now still working on getting better. I'm almost though" Tris says with her voice becoming shaky. I unlace our fingers and put my hand on her back assuring her its okay. She smiles and says "Christina I was wondering if you wanted to hang out friday?" Christina is thinking and eventually says "Why can't we hangout today. I mean we just got into contact again. And I need to tell you something." She looks at me and I nod. She stands on her tip toes and gives me a kiss then she says "25 minutes at the latest" I smile then Christina takes her away from me. I go to the bar and see Will sitting there. "Hey Will. How's life with Christina?" He shakes his head and takes another shot. "Whoa man! What's going on??" I ask him. "She's p..pregnant..." I stare at Will in shock then say "Congrats man!!!" He looks at me and says " I can't be a dad. I will be horrible. Then Christina will hate me!!" he looks sad "And by the way Christina is telling Tris today." He adds this on and I get up in less than second and sprint towards Will and Christina's place. I get to the door and before I get a chance to knock there's Tris with tears pouring out of her eyes. She doesn't even look at me and she runs away. I look at Christina and say "Didn't you get the hint. Christina the baby died when he was born. He had a hole in his heart!!!!" I scream at her and storm back to our apartment. I am beyond furious with Christina right now. I get back to our apartment and go to our bedroom. I try to open the door but it won't budge. "Tris I know your in there. Just open the door babe." I say feeling sympathetic. "No Four you wouldn't understand." She says in between sobs. "Tris please." I say. But she still doesn't open the door. Then I remember that we have key to unlock our bedroom door. I go get that and come back to unlock the door. I open the door and see Tris curled up in our blankets sobbing uncontrollably. I walk over to her and pick her up. I hold her on my lap rocking her back and fourth trying to get her to calm down. "Tris what happened over there?" I ask hoping she'll answer me. "Chris... Christina took me back to her place and we sat down on the couch. Then she says I'll be right back. She went into the bathroom and came back with a pregnancy test. Then she showed me her stomach. She's 4 months along Tobias." She says and is finally done crying. "Tris. Just because we lost one baby doesn't mean we will lose anymore." I say trying to make her feel better. "I'm afraid if we have another baby and we lose it that you'll leave me." She says looking me in the eyes. Whenever she looks into my eyes I melt. "I mean I want to have a baby. I.. I'm scar..scared." She says with her voice beginning to shake again. I hold her in my arms still and say "Tris just because it happened one time doesn't mean it will happen again." I assure her. She looks into my eyes again and kisses my lips. Her lips are smooth and soft. They remind me of cotton candy. I kiss her back more forcibly and say "Tris we don't have to do this if you don't want to." She looks at me and goes back to kissing me. Then the same thing that happened this morning happens again.

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