Chapter 9:I Love You

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The Next Day

Tris POV

I roll over to tell Tobias good morning. But when I open my eyes he's not there. So instead I get up and get a change of clothes. Then I head to the bathroom to shower. I turn the water on and let the hot water hit my back. I get out about 10 minutes later. I get dressed in my black tank top, black leggings, and my black combat boots. After that I walk out into the living room and see Tobias sleeping on the couch. I go to sit down next to him trying not to wake him up. When his eyes flutter open. "Good morning." he says in the middle of stretching. "Morning, what happened last night? I ask him. "You were fighting in your sleep again. I couldn't get you to wake up so I came out here. I was worried about you Tris."He says and I know he means it. I feel really bad now. I didn't even know I was fighting. I guess it just happened. " I'm sorry for kicking you out of your own bed." I say looking guilty. He looks at me and smiles and says "Tris you have nothing to be sorry for. I just needed for you to be okay." Still smiling he slides next to me and kisses me. I kiss back. It turns into something more than just kissing. But I stop him before we get any farther than it should be. "I love you so much Tris."He says and smiles. " I love you to."I say

Tobias POV

I was awaken by Tris. She was fighting in her sleep again. I slipped out of bed, and laid down on the couch in the living room. I am awaken by Tris yet again at 9:13 am. When she sat down next to me. "What happened to you last night?" She asks. "You were fighting in your sleep again." I replied with. The I slide next to her and kissed her. She doesn't reject me. She kiss become deeper and leads to something more. But she stops us before it gets to far. She's still insecure about herself. I think she's beautiful no matter what. "I love you so much Tris." I say. "I love you too." She responds with. Which causes me to smile.

(Time Lapse-6 Months Later)

Tobias POV

The past few months we haven't done anything super exciting at least nothing worth talking about. We usually just hung out. Or we went to parties. Or went to Zeke's place. But tonight that's going to change. I need to find Christina. I find her in the Chasm. I walk over to her and say. " Christina can we go somewhere a little more private so I can talk to you?" "Yeah sure, let's go back to my apartment." She says. When we get there I sit down in the chair and begin talking. "I love Tris, you know that. I don't want her to be with any other guy but me. With that said, what do you think of this?" I pull out a velvet box. She opens it in awe. "FOUR... are you asking Tris to marry you."She asks and I nod and smile. She let's out a scream of excitement. "Don't say anything to Tris." I tell her. "I wont say anything. But how are you going to ask her?" She says. "Well Zeke is playing Candor and Dauntless tonight. He invited you,me,Tris,Uriah,and Shauna. So when you ask Tris Candor or Dauntless. She's going to pick Candor. Your going to ask her if she would ever marry me. Then she will most likely look at me and I'll be on me knee with the ring out." I tell her. She smiles with excitement in her eyes.

(Later That Night)

Tris POV

We are all going over to Zeke's place to play Candor or Dauntless. Christina and I get our hair and makeup done. Then we put on 2 shirts,sweatpants, and a sweatshirt. After we are all ready we head over to Zeke's. We get there and say hi to everyone. Then we all gather in a circle. We explain the rules and start. "Four,Candor or Dauntless?" Zeke asks him. "Candor" Four says. "Do you really love Tris?" Zeke asks and I suddenly feel my heart start to race. "With all my heart I do."Four says. I look at him smiling with tears in my eyes. "Christina,Candor or Dauntless?" Four asks her. "Dauntless."She says. "Go kiss your crush." Four says. She stands up walks over to Uriah and kisses him. Then she comes sits back next to me. "Tris, Candor or Dauntless?"She asks me. "Candor." I say. "Would you ever marry Four?" she asks. I look over at Tobias. He is on his knee with a velvet box in his hand. I look at him in the eyes. By this point I have tears streaming down my face. "Tris, I knew we've only been together for six in a half months, But I know I don't want you to be with any other guy but me. I love you Tris. With that said will you marry me?" I have tears pooring down my face. I nod "Yes of course I'll marry you!"

Tris, my true love~TobiasWhere stories live. Discover now