Chapter 22: You Guys!

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(Tris's POV

3 months later)

I am now eight months pregnant. My belly is absolutely huge. It's doubled its size within the last three months. I can barely walk or even stand up for a long amount of time. I mostly sit on the couch with my feet propped up and watch T.V all day. I haven't had many cravings lately other than Dauntless Cake. Speaking of dauntless cake, I want some. But I have to wait til six-o-clock til I can get some. I made Tobias go back to work. He seemed really bored just sitting around the house with me. But soon enough he will be back training initiates with Uriah. He is excited for that. But he doesn't want to leave the babies. Considering they will only be one month when the initiates get here. "Hey Tris!" Christina says walking into my house. "Ever heard of knocking?" I ask jokingly. She nods and laughs. She has the baby carrier in her hand. She closes the door and walks over to me. "Somebody wants to see her auntie." Chris says while taking baby Tris out of her carrier. She hands her to me and she smiles and kicks her hands and feet. "Hi baby girl."I coo to her. She starts to whine so I rock her. "Tris do you want to go to the cafeteria with us for a little bit?" Christina asks. I'm not sure if I want to but I need to get out of the house. "Sure. But I can only stay there for a little bit. These babies take a lot of my energy away." I say with a laugh. Christina takes baby Tris and puts her back in her carrier. Than she helps me up. She picks up the carrier and we make our way to the cafeteria. I have to walk slowly and carefully. I don't want to go into labor early again. We finally get to the cafeteria and I am out of breathe. I sit against the wall. "Go ahead and go in. I'll meet you in there." I say and she nods. I close my eyes and rest my head against the wall. I try to catch my breathe but it comes slowly. "Babe?" I hear someone say. I open my eyes and see Tobias standing above me. I smile but the expression on his face doesn't change. "Are you okay? Are the babies okay?" He asks worriedly. "Yes they are fine. And I'm just trying to catch my breathe from the walk down here. It took a lot of energy and we didn't stop for any breaks." I say and he slightly smiles. He reaches down for my hand and pulls me up. "Lets get you some food."He says as we walk into the cafeteria. All the lights are off and there is no noise. "Tobias..." I say before the lights come on and I hear "SURPRISE!" from all over the room. "You guys!" I say. Tobias puts his hand on my back. It helps me stay calm. I look up at him and he has the hugest smile on his face. "Did you know about all of this?" I ask him and he gladly nods his head. He pulls me into a bone crushing hug. "Tobias...the to" I say trying to wiggle my way out. "Sorry." He says and lets me go. I walk over to Christina who is sitting down feeding her daughter. They are so cute together. She is such a great mom. It makes me consider if I'm gonna be a good mom or not. I sit down next to her and look around at all of the people that showed up. No one really stands out to me til I look over to the corner. I see my brother Caleb. I get up and walk over to him. "Hey Caleb!" I say. He turns around and pulls me into a hug. "We have some things to talk about Beatrice." He says in a serious tune. "I've missed you so much Caleb." I say still holding onto him. "Tris I don't mean to ruin your baby shower. But I need to tell you something before I leave. And I have to go back to Erudite in five minutes." Caleb says with a frown. I pull back and we walk over to a table and sit down. "What's going on?" I ask sounding very confused. He grabs my hand and says "Tris, mom and dad were killed." He says with tears in his eyes. I am shocked. At first I don't believe him but then the tears pour out of his eyes. I stand up and he does to. I go to walk away. But I collapse onto the floor. I scream out of pain and heartbreak. "NO! THEY CAN"T BE DEAD!" I scream over and over again. Caleb pulls me off the floor back into his arms. "Beatrice, I have to leave now." He says and sits me down in a chair. "Wait!How long ago did they die?" I ask and he looks down with guilt in his eyes. "A month in a half after we transferred."He says and walks away. I get up to go after him but someone grabs me and sits me back down. "Tris you need to calm down." Tobias says trying to calm me. "No! I will not calm down. He kept my parents death from me for year. Why should I have to calm down when he's the one who kept it from me." I yell and look down towards the ground. Tobias puts his hand under my chin. So now I am looking him in his blue eyes. "Baby, I know it hurts. Believe me I know exactly how you feel. But you need to calm down for the babies sake. I don't want to lose you or them. So please calm down." Tobias says pleadingly. I stand up and walk away. I don't know where I'm walking to. I end up walking to some random hallway. I sit against the wall and let everything out. I'm sobbing to the point where I can't breathe. I am shaking uncontrollably. I wanna die. This pain is to much to handle. I'm sitting against the wall sobbing into my hands. I feel somebody's hands on my waist and pulls me up. I look up and see that it's Will. I put my face to his chest and continue to sob. He just holds me there. "Tris, I am so sorry. You didn't deserve any of this." Will says as I pull away from the hug. "Thanks Will." I say and I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. I clutch my stomach out of pain. "Tris?" Will asks. I try to respond but it comes out as a groan. "Okay. Lets get you to the hospital." He says and takes me hand as we walk to the hospital. We get to the hospital and they take me to a room immediately. "On a scale from one to ten. What is your pain?" The nurse asks me. "Nine!" I say through clenched teeth. The nurse writes something down on her clip board. She walks out the door and the shouting begins. "SHE'S MY WIFE! LET ME SEE HER!" I instantly know whose voice that belongs to. That person would be my husband Tobias Eaton. I press the call button and the same nurse as before comes in. "How can I assist you?" She says all professionally. "You can let my husband in to see me." I say with an attitude. She walks out and in comes red faced Tobias. "Are you okay?" I ask him. He walks over and sits on the edge of the bed next to me. "I'm just pissed that they wouldn't let me in to see you. But that doesn't matter anymore. Are you okay?" Tobias says worriedly. "I'm fine I just want to know why I'm having these pains. They feel like labor pains. But I don't feel like I'm going into labor." I say rubbing my hands over my swollen belly. "Hello Mr and Mrs Eaton, How are we doing today?" The doctor says walking into my hospital room. "Were doing okay. In pain but okay." I say with a small smile. "Well lets figure out what's causing this pain." Doctor Sanchez says. I smile and nod. Tobias is just sitting there holding on to my hand as if he's afraid the let go. The doctor puts on a pair of gloves and pulls my shirt up. She lightly presses against my stomach in different areas. She started at the top of my stomach and there was no pain. But then she worked her way to the bottom of my stomach and that's where the pain was. She presses a little harder and I wince. "I'm sorry." She says and pulls my shirt down. "I'm gonna hook you up to a monitor so we can see how the babies are doing." She says. I nod as she hooks wires and Iv's up to me. "So your about eight in a half months along right?" Doctor Sanchez asks me. "Yes. Why is something wrong?" I say but she doesn't answer. "I'll be right back." The doctor says then walks out. I look over at Tobias who is looking down at the floor. "I'm gonna go talk to her." He says and walks out. Great now I'm alone with my thoughts. I close my eyes and lean my head against the pillow. I end up drifting into a calm sleep. "Tris?" I hear someone asks what seems moments later. I open my eyes slowly. The white light blinding me. "Hi. Why do I feel so sore?" I ask now knowing that it is Christina. "They had to do an immediate c-section." Chris says and I frown. "Don't worry everything is fine. The babies are fine. They just gave the doctors a little scare." She quickly adds. "How long have I been out? Where is Tobias?" I ask. "About five hours and he is with your sons." She says with a smile. "Thank Will for me." I say before I fall back asleep. I dream about my new life with Tobias and our sons.

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