Chapter 10:Planning the big day

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Tobias's POV

She said yes, Tris the love of my life said yes to marrying me. This is a dream come true. I head back to our apartment after everyone calmed down about the engagement. I unlock the door and the apartment lights were dimmed, and candles were lit. That's where Tris went after a minute. She said she wanted to go take a shower, so she left and did this. I walk into the bedroom and there is candles in there to. What is going on? I here the shower water running. I walk to the bathroom. I knock on the door, there is no answer. So I open the door and say "Tris, Hun is everything okay?" She peeks her head out of the shower curtain and says "Yeah everything is just fine." I noticed that she still has her shirt and pants on. "You know your supposed to take your clothes off when you shower right?" I say. "Yeah I know but then I couldn't do this." She says and grabs the collar of my shirt, and pulls me into the shower with her. I'm soaking wet within 30 seconds of being in there. "Now, what was the point of that?" "This is the point of pulling you in here." She leans in and kisses me. I kiss her back more roughly. We kiss for a while before. Tris pulls off my shirt. She runs her hands over my chest. Then kisses me again. I pull of her tank top. She stops for a second. I know what she's thinking I can tell by the way her facial expression is. She is thinking about how small she is. But that's the thing I don't care how her body looks. I love her no matter what. "Tris, we don't have to do this if you don't want to." I say. She just nods and leans in and kisses me more passionately. I wrap my arms around her. I quickly stop and turn the water off and grab us a towel. I dry her off and she dries me off. Then we go back to kissing.

 (Hour in a Half Later)

Tris and I are laying there in bed with each other."I love you fiance!" She loudly says. I grin from ear to ear. It sounds better this way. "I love you to baby. I'm happy we are engaged. Let's start planning the wedding tomorrow. Is that okay?"I say. She give me a quick peak on the cheek and says "No, that is perfect." Then she curls up into my large figure and falls asleep.

 (The next Day)

I wake up, Tris is still sleeping. She looks so beautiful and peaceful when she sleeps. I say "Good morning,my bride to be." She rolls over and smiles. She jumps out of bed and says "We have a wedding to plan today!" She runs to the closet and then to the bathroom. She comes out 10 minutes later ready to go. I got dressed while Tris was in the bathroom. "Okay,Let's go then. We stop at a cafe to grab a cup of coffee and a muffin. We sit down in one of the booth's. I have a plain coffee with a chocolate muffin. Tris has a Frozen Caramel Frappe and a chocolate muffin. "First, we need to figure out a date for the wedding." She says."How about a month from today. So on May 12th, would that be okay with you?" I say. She nods, still eating her muffin. "Next we need a location." I say. "How about the ferris wheel? I know you don't like heights and all but.." I cut her off before she finishes. "That's a wonderful place, let's get married there. I don't want a big wedding. So let's only invite our immediate friends and family." I say. "Okay so invitations are all set." Tris says. "Christina can throw together the reception. It will be our surprise. Then all we have to do is get your tux and my dress." She adds. "Perfect, I can't wait for May 12th to get here." I say. Then we get up and head back to the apartment. 

 (Later that month)

Tris's POV

I wake up with the feeling of throwing up again. I run to the bathroom. I throw up not once but twice. Tobias comes in and rubs my back. Then it hits me, I haven't gotten my period this month. "Are you okay Tris?" He asks me in a concerned tone. "I um. I haven't had my thing this month. And now I have this feeling to be sick every morning." I say. "Can you go grab me the phone and then give me a minute alone." I add. He brings me the phone and then goes in the living room. I quickly dial Christina's number. She picks up the phone and I ask her if she could bring me a pregnancy test. I hangup, and she is over within 5 minutes knocking at the front door. Tobias opens the door, and Christina flies towards the bathroom. She opens the door and hands me the bag, then closes the door and we wait. I wait 5 minutes before I say " Go get Four!" Before she leaves she looks at the test and then leaves. Four comes in and says "Babe is everything okay?" I say "Don't be made,but.... I'm pregnant." I break into a stream of tears. "I'm pregnant and we are getting married in a week in a half." He looks at me in shock and then smiles with tears in his eyes. "Were pregnant!We are having a baby!" He says excitedly. "So your not mad at me. I thought you would hate me when I told you." I say nervously. "Why would I hate you. We are starting a family. This is the best news that I have heard in along time. Well the best sense we got engaged." Tobias says. "Okay. I love you." I say. "I love you to Tris." We stand up, then we go sit on the couch,and watch the new Hunger Games movie.

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