Chapter 14: Wait...What

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Tris's POV

"Tris, how long ago did you find out that your baby died?" The doctor asks me. "Um..about 3 months ago. I was a month in a half along when we found out." I say. "Well um.. their has been a change in plans." He says. Tobias looks at me with a worried look. I'm worried, I have no clue whats going on right now. "Their has been a mistake. Tris, Four you guys are having a baby. You always have been. The baby never died. It just didn't pop up on the monitor." I'm in complete shock. I had no idea. I can feel the tears falling from my eyes. "I'll leave you two so you can talk." I smile and he walks out of the room. "Babe...I'm still pregnant!" I say excitedly with tears still pouring from my eyes. Four leans in and kisses me. He brings his thumb up and wipes the tears away from my face. "You should be almost 5 months then. We can find out the gender if you'd like to." My husband says. I nod, he gets up, leaves, then comes back in with the doctor. "Congratulations. Would you like to find out the gender?" The doctor asks. We nod, he puts more gel on my stomach and rubs it around then says "Well it looks like your having a little boy." I can see Tobias tearing up. The doctor rubs the gel off my stomach and says "You can leave now if you want." He hands us a picture of the baby then leaves. I take Tobias' hand and place it on my stomach. "That's our son. That is our baby in there. Our family is going to be alright." I say starting to cry again. We sit in the room for a few more minutes, then leave and go home.

(At Home)

Tobias's POV

Our baby is safe. We are going to be parents and nothing is going to get in the way of that. "Tris!" I say. But before I can continue what I was saying. Tris runs up into my arms and kisses me. I deepen the kiss more than it already was. "Tris, your already pregnant. I'm not sure if we can do this while you are." I say. "The doctor figured that we would want to celebrate the good news and said that this was fine. That we can do whatever we are about to do." Tris says. "Well then, lets celebrate" I say then I pick up Tris and carry her to the bedroom. She's laughing the whole way there. Softly hitting my back telling me to put her down. I get to the bedroom and sit her down on the bed. She scoots back and pulls me with her. She brings her forehead to mine and says "Your mine, you always will be forever and always. Nothing will ever change that." She gently kisses me then. We lay flat on the bed next to each other. I kiss her more roughly though. She pulls on the hem of my shirt and take it off. She rubs her hands along my chest. I pull her into my arms. I start to take off her top. I get her top off and look at he stomach, my mistake doing that. "What are you staring?" She asks me. "You, our son is getting bigger and bigger everyday." I say. "So your calling me fat?" She asks. "No, Tris that is not what I am trying to get at. What I'm trying to say is that your beautiful and that our son will be with us soon." I say hoping that I said it correctly and not saying something that would hurt her. "He sure will be. And thank you for calling me beautiful." She says then kisses me again. (An Hour Later) We lay in bed next to each other. Tris feel asleep, but I'm not complaining because this pregnancy has been rough on her. Then again it has been hard on both of us. I'm lost in thought when I hear Tris say something "Babe. Can we name him Tobias?" She asks me and I can't help but smile. I hold her even closer than I was before now. I kiss the top of her head and say "We can name our son whatever you want to name him."She smiles and says "Then we have his name picked out. Tobias Eaton jr." I smile and laugh. "What?" She asks laughing with me. "I never thought that I would ever have a son let alone someone who loves me like you do." I tell her. "Well its happening and I would take a bullet for you. That is how much I love you." She says. "I would never let you give your life for me. I care to much about you to live without you. I would miss you to much. Our son would miss you. Nothing will happen to our family." I reassure her. Maybe I was reassuring myself to.

(Later That Day)

Tris POV

It is around dinner time and I am eating for 2 now so I'm hungrier than usual. Tobias makes his 'Specialty', which isn't anything that special but if its special to him than it is special to me. He made his famous Macaroni and hot dogs. "Here is your plate my lady." He says. "Thank you kind sir." I say back and we bust out in laughter. We eat our dinner and talk about our son. Then we put the dishes in the sink. We sit on the couch,Tobias turns the T.V on and flips through the channels til he finds a scary movie. He finds the movie Incidious 2, it is at the part when Renai walks into the living room and the weird lady is sitting on the couch singing 'Rock A By Baby". I cuddle up to my husband and he holds me in his arms. I jump and scream and hide my face with my hands. Once the movie is over I look at Tobias and say "I am now terrified to sleep. Thanks alot." I say jokingly. "I'm sorry. I'll fight off the bad dreams." He says. "With what may I ask?" I ask. "My bare hands Tris." He responds with. I nod then we get up and go to bed. "I love you my pregnant gorgeous wife." He says with a smile on his face. "I love you to my protective husband." I say to him. Then we dose off into a deep sleep.

Tris, my true love~TobiasWhere stories live. Discover now