Chapter 13: I'm so sorry?

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(If any of you guys care. I listened to Small Bump by Ed Sheeran and Forever and Always by Parachute. Writing this chapter. It really

(The Next Day)

Tobias's POV

I wake up to the sound of my wife in the bathroom crying. Neither of us got any sleep last night. I get up and walk over to the bathroom door and ask "Tris hun, are you okay?" She turns and looks at me then says "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine. How about you? Are you okay Four?" She says it in a mad sarcastic tune. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't of asked. And to answer your question I'm not okay either. We can always try again though. That is if you want to." I tell her. She nods and says "Maybe in a few months but not right now." I smile telling her its okay. I will wait as long as I have to. "I love you beautiful. Everything will turn out okay. I promise." I say. I can tell this is really difficult for her because. She hasn't really stopped crying sense we found out what happened. "I can't help but feel like this is my fault. I killed our family. I killed a baby." She says in the middle of sobs. "Oh Tris" I say and hug her. "This is not your fault. Sometimes these things just happen. It is no one's fault." I add. But she just continues to cry. I feel so bad for her. I don't even know what to do that would help her. So I just sit their with her in my arms. I can tell she's still crying because. I can feel her tears coming through my shirt. The only thing that I can think of to do is. Hold her and tell her everything will be okay. I've never had this happen before. I've never personally experienced this.

(3 Months Later)

Tobias's POV

Tris still feels like it is her fault that the baby died. But it seems to be getting easier for her day by day. I'm laying in our bed. Just watching my gorgeous wife sleep. She looks so peaceful and calm when she sleeps. "Good morning husband" She says and rolls over facing me. "Good morning. That is the first time you called me husband sense the day we got married." I say "I know. But I think today is going to be a great day." She says. Next thing I know shes up running towards the bathroom. "Come on, lets get our day started." I get up and walk towards the bathroom. I turn on the water and we get in. I let the water run over my back. Tris and I are inches apart. We haven't been this close in a month. It finally feels like our lives are going to get better. She leans in a kisses me. I kiss her back, she pulls back and looks at he stomach. "I either felt my stomach growl or I'm imagining that something just moved inside of me." She says. She pulls my hand to her stomach and it happens again but with more pain towards Tris. "What is going on?" She asks. "I'm not sure, do you want to go to the hospital and see whats going on?" I ask her. She nods. She leans behind me and turns the water off. Then she grabs a towel and drys herself off. I do the same, we both get changed. We grab a muffin from the kitchen and leave. We arrive at the hospital 15 minutes later. "Their is something going on with my stomach and I'm not sure what it is. Is their any way I can see a doctor?" She asks the receptionist. "Actually, the doctor can see you right now." The receptionist says and leads us to a open room. "Thank you" I say. She nods and leaves. About 5 minutes later the doctor comes in and draws blood from Tris's arm. We wait another 10 minutes for the results. The doctor comes back and says "We need to do a quick ultrasound of your stomach. Only if it is okay with you." We nod, Tris pulls her shirt up over her stomach. The doctor rubs the gel around and we see....

Tris, my true love~TobiasWhere stories live. Discover now