Chapter 8: What shall we do today

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Tobias's POV-

I wake up before the alarm goes off. I slide out of my bed and head to the bathroom. I turn on the water so I can take a shower. It take me 10 minutes to take my shower. I get out and get dressed. I walk out of the bathroom into the kitchen. I'm going to make breakfast. I'm not sure how much more cafeteria food I can eat. I take out the pancake mix and a package of bacon. I start to fry up the bacon and stir the pancake mix, when Tris walks out of the bedroom. "Good morning" I say "Are you hungry?" I ask. "A little, I just need my coffee." She tells me. I knew I forgot something to make. How could I forget coffee. Even I need coffee in the morning. But ever sense Tris got here I wake up happy when I see her next to me. "Don't worry about making it, I can handle it." She says standing up grinning at me. I believe that she can do it. But she looks miserable. I mean everything that happened with her arm yesterday and the day before. "Tris" I ask "Are you feeling okay. I mean is your arm feeling better." I say. She looks down then looks back at me with tears in her eyes. I look at her and just feel so horrible. I walk over to her and pull her into my arms. She doesn't reject it so maybe that's what she wanted me to do. To show her I truly care about her. "Tobias. Why is it so hard to forget about my parents and just move on?" She asks me. And I'm not sure how to answer that. Because I had to leave my dad. If I hadn't it would have been over for me a long time ago. " Honestly Tris, I'm not sure. But maybe its because you love them." I respond with. She looks up at me and smiles. Then she continues to make the coffee and I turn to finish cooking.


We eat our breakfast and then Tris goes to take a shower. She comes back 25 minutes later. Dressed with her hair in a side braid. It suits her, she looks beautiful. Then again she always does. "So Tris what are we going to do today?" I ask her. "Maybe we could go for a walk or watch some more movies." She says. A walk sounds nice and so does a movie. But we watched movies yesterday, so a walk sounds like fun. We can talk to each other more than we would watching a movie. "Let's go for a walk. But first I need to go find Zeke." I say. "Okay, I'll see you later then." Her response is. And with that I grab my jacket and walk to the control room. It is about a 5 minute walk from my apartment. Once I get there Zeke is sitting in front of one of the computers. "Hey Zeke."I say. "Hey Four. How's Tris this morning?" he asks. "She's doing the best she can for right now. But that's not what I came here for. I came here because I'm falling for her hard. I mean when I'm not around her. She doesn't leave my mind. I'm not sure what to do." I explain to him. "Four sit we need to have a little talk." Zeke says. So I sit down and wait for him to begin to talk. " Four your falling in love with her. And I don't mean like a little. I mean a lot. You can see it in your eyes. Your in love and no one can really do anything about that. I mean who couldn't fall in love with her. She's beautiful,kind,funny,smart, and brave." He continues with. "So I'm really in love with her. Like love love. Well if I am I love this feeling of being in love." I say. Then get up and walk back to the apartment. I take my time getting back so I can think. I get back 10 minutes after I normally would. I unlock the door and find Tris sleeping on the couch. I go sit down by her. Her eyes flutter open when I sit down. "Hi, are we still going for a walk?" she asks. "Hey, yeah if you want to. How was your nap?" I say. She jumps up runs to the bedroom and yells "Good." Then she comes back out with her shoes and jacket on. "You ready to go?" she asks. "I'm ready if your ready." I tell her. She walks over to me and holds my hand and leads me outside. "So where we walking to?" I ask. "Um, there isn't a specific location. Just walking. Is that okay with you?" she asks me. "Yeah that's fine with me." I say. She stops then turns to look at me. I wonder why she stopped. "Tris are you okay? Do you need to sit down?" I ask." No,I'm fine just got a little lightheaded. Can we go home? I think I need to lay down." She says. "Yeah Tris of course we can. And I think you should lay down also." I tell her.

Tris, my true love~TobiasWhere stories live. Discover now