Chapter 17: Happy or Sad????

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Tris POV

I wake up to the sight of Tobias with tears on his face. I've ever seen him cry this hard, at least not sense he saw his father last. "Honey? What's wrong?" I ask in a concerned voice. He looks up at me and says "Tris, they found something wrong with the baby." He says this and I shake my head not wanting to believe it. "Your LYING!!!" I scream at him. He grabs my hand and says "I wish I was believe me, but Tris he doesn't have very long." I start to cry at this point. "What happened. I did everything I possibly could to keep him safe!?!?!?!" I say questionably but still yelling. He shakes his head and starts to cry again. "He has a whole in his heart which is preventing him from getting blood flow into parts of his body. He only has a couple hours with us." He says in between sobs. I lay back down and turn away from Tobias and cry. I don't want him to see me cry like this. It hurts so bad that I want to die. But I cant I have to live for Tobias. Maybe we can try again in a year or so. Why am I thinking this? Tobias will leave me because it's all my fault. My son is going to die because I didn't care for him enough. "Tris, I can..." He says before I cut him off. "I know what your going to say. Your going to say that. It is all my fault and that you don't want to be with someone who only thinks about herself." I say still crying. "No that is not what I was about to say. Tris I would never leave you. And it is not your fault. The doctor says this can happen to anyone. We can always try again or adopt.

" He says. After he says this the nurse comes in holding a blue blanket. Our son. "Here I figured you would like to see him before he leaves us." She says and hands me our son. "He looks just like you. Good thing we named him Tobias Jr." I say. Tobias chuckles a little. We sit there with our son for hours. It is about 9:30 when I look at Tobias holding our son. I close my eyes only to be waken 5 minutes later to a crying husband. "Tris, I think he's about to leave us." He says which only makes him cry harder. He hands me our son. We place our hands over his little stomach and wait for him to take his last breath. It takes 5 minutes before he finally does. The nurse walks back in and takes him from my arms and says "I'm so very sorry for your lose. You can stay til morning then we need you to go home. I have one final thing to ask. Would you like him to be buried or cremated?" I look at Tobias. He mouths 'cremated' to me and I nod. "We'd like to get him cremated" Tobias says trying to hold it together and he fails. The nurse nods and walks out. I scoot over so Tobias can fit on the bed. He gets the hint and climbs up then wraps me in his embrace and says "I love you Mrs. Eaton. It may not seem the right time to say that but I needed to say it. And I am so sorry this happened to you. To us." I let out a little smile and say "I love you to Mr. Eaton. And it needed to be said. And I am so sorry this happened to you and to us." With that said we drift off into a light sleep.

(The Next Day)

Tobias POV

I am awoken by a tossing and turning Tris. She begins to cry and quietly scream. I try and shake her awake but it doesn't work. So the only thing that I know to do is kiss her. I kiss her and her eyes open. She begins to cry again "Tris, did you have bad dream?" I ask her. She nods "What was it about?" She just shakes her head and falls back asleep. I eventually fall back asleep as well. I wake up at 9 and Tris is laying next to me staring at the ceiling. "Good morning Tris." I say. "It is most definitely not a good morning." She says with a frown. "I know. But we can leave today. We can finally go home." I say trying to smile. I help Tris get up and get ready. It is 12:30 when we finally leave. I carry her back to the apartment because she broke into tears and callapsed in the hallway. I unlock the door and set Tris down on the couch. "I'll be right back. I have to go to the bathroom" Tris says. I nod, she gets up and walks to the bathroom. She's gone for 10 minutes, so I get up to see if she is okay. I walk over and knock on the bathroom door. She doesn't answer so I just open the door. She's not in there. I think I know where she is. I walk over to our son's room and push then door open. Sure enough there she is sitting in his rocking chair crying. "Tris?" I say. She looks up and continues to cry. I walk over to her and wrap her in my arms. I can feel my shirt getting wet on my shoulder. I can tell this is very difficult for her. I begin to cry also. This is going to take a long time to get over. But I need to get this off of Tris's mind before she does something she regrets. "Tris, You should get some sleep." I say she nods and walks to our room and lays down. She balls herself into our blankets. I lay down next to her and hold her close to my chest. I still hear her crying but I finally know she is asleep when her breathing evens out. "I love you Tris. Forever and Always!" I say but she doesn't hear me. So I fall asleep to the sight of my beautiful Tris.

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