Chapter 5: Out at Dinner part 2

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We are here. He rented out a building for me. He decorated it like the room that we first met in. An Abnegation room. " Oh Four, you did this just for me. But why I'm nothing special." I say. "Tris, you deserve more than this. And if we stay together their will be more. I promise you that." he says. Then we kissed. It was so magical, like there was a lifetime full of chemistry.Then we go to our dinner table. I brings me a platter of food. "It looks very good." I say. We eat and talk about almost everything a new couple talks about. After about 2 in a half hours we decide to go back to the apartment. " Tris, you can have the bed. I'll make a spot on the floor. Okay?" he tells me. "Don't be silly I say as I climb into his bed. Just sleep on the comforter and cover of with this blanket that I bought today." I say as he climbs on top of the comforter. He grabs the other blanket and lays down next to me. "I had an amazing time tonight. It was very fun. I'd like to do it again sometime. Could we do that?" I ask. "Of course we can do it again. That was really fun. One of the best times that I had here at Dauntless. Other than playing Candor or Dauntless." he tells me. I smile like an idiot. Which causes him to smile. But then I remember the last expression on my mom and dads face and I begin to cry. "Tris, whats wrong?" he asks me. I don't want to tell him. It might make me a coward. "Nothing" is all I say. He gives me a small grin and says "Tris, I love you. Okay, you can talk to me about anything. I promise it wont make me feel any different about you." I smile and wipe away the tears. "Goodnight Four, I'll see you in the morning. Bright and early."

Tris, my true love~TobiasWhere stories live. Discover now