Chapter 12: The Reception and After

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( 3 Hours Later)

Tobias's POV

I have been married to Tris for 3 hours already. 3 hours out of an entire lifetime together. It seems like nothing to some people. But to me it feels like a dream come true. I finally feel like I'm meant to be on this planet. Like I mean something to someone who loves me for me. "Hi my gorgeous wife." I say to Tris. "Hello my wonderful husband." She says back. I will never get tired of her calling me her husband. It has a very special sound to it. "We better head to the Chasm for our reception. Because the sooner we get there, the sooner we can go home, and spend the rest of our lives together."I tell her cheerfully. She nods and kisses me. I kiss her back but with more meaning. "I love you Mrs.Eaton!" I say between kissing. " And I love you to my son or daughter." I add. Tris has been pregnant for a month now. "We love you to Four!" She says. It was the first time she has called me Four in a long time. Then we leave for the reception. We arrive to the Chasm about 15 minutes later. All the lights are off, then suddenly the flash on. Everybody shouts "Congratulations Mr and Mrs. Eaton!" Tris looks at me with a huge smile on her face. I lean in and give her a kiss. Everybody whistles and yells as we kiss. We break apart and Christina and Will come over to us and say "Congrats guys, you deserve the best of which you can get." Christina adds."Oh by the way Tris, this is Will. He's my boyfriend." "I didn't know that Chris. Its nice to finally meet you Will." Then it is time for Tris and I to have our first dance. They start to play 'Never Stop by Safetysuit'. Christina knew that Tris loves this song, that's why its our song. I take Tris out to the dance floor, it's just me and her and that will never change. "I love you Tris, that's never going to change. We will be together forever and always. Through the good and the bad, and the ugly. We will grow old together." I say. She has tears in her eyes. "I love you to, we will last forever and always. This baby and I will always be here for you no matter what." She says as she puts my hand on her stomach. We finish dancing, after that we get our dinner and sit down at our table. We eat, then we cut the cake. It is dauntless chocolate, my favorite. We eat the cake, then talk and dance for a few hours. Then decide we should go home because Tris needs her sleep. Even though I don't think we are going to be sleeping.

(15 Minutes Later)

Tris POV

We get back to the apartment, and I say "I'm going to take a shower and wash all of my makeup off." I kiss my husband and head for the bathroom. I turn on the water, before I get in I make sure its not super hot or really cold. I hop in and let the warm water run down my back. I rub my hand over my stomach. I still can't believe that their is a baby growing inside of me. I reach for the shampoo bottle to scrub all of the hair chemicals out but. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and drop the bottle. It makes a loud crash as it hit the ground. I drop to the floor in pain, I'm lying on the floor gripping my stomach when. Four comes running in from the living room. "Babe, is everything okay?" he asks me. I grit my teeth in pain and say "No, I think somethings wrong with the baby. Go grab me a pair of leggings and a tank top please." He walks out and comes back with my clothes. He turns off the water and grabs a towel, then helps me out of the shower. I feel another stream of pain, I grab a hold of Tobias a scream. He quickly helps me get dressed. After I'm dressed he picks me up bridal style, and quickly walks to the hospital. I'm in constant pain now. We get to the hospital, he walks over to the front desk and says "My wife is pregnant and their has been constant pain in her stomach for the past 20 minutes. Can you help her please? She is the only thing that I have left that's worth living for." I can hear the desperation in his voice. "Bring her to this room over here. We will run some tests and do an ultrasound of the baby." the nurse says. "Thank you" he says still sounding worried. He takes me to the room, he sets me down on the bed. The nurse says to pull my shirt up over my stomach. I do as she says, she puts some cool gel on my stomach and rubs it around. "Sir, I need you to step outside for a minute." the nurse says to Tobias. He looks at me , I smile and nod. He gets up and walks out. "Okay ma'am, I am only finding one heartbeat on the monitor." She adds. "But doesn't that mean the baby is okay?" I ask. "Sadly miss, it is only your heartbeat that I am finding." She tells me. She says that and I can't control my tears any longer. "I'll get your husband and give you guys a minute alone." The nurse says. Tobias walks in a moment later. He walks over to the bed and see's the tears streaming down my face. "Honey, what's wrong?" He asks in a concerned voice. "T..the baby, their is only one heartbeat. The heartbeat is mine, not the baby's." I tell him and put my head in my hands. "Wait.. so the baby died." He says with sadness in his voice. I just nodded and cried even more. He starts to cry with me, he pulls me into his arms, he just holds me. Their is a knock at the door, the nurse walks back in. "You guys may go home. It will take about 3 months for the baby to be completely gone."She says. We nod then get up and leave.

Tris, my true love~Tobiasحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن