chapter 15.

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Me and donna were sitting around tyler loving all on him. I wish she wouldn't have named him Tyler but its ok. I told her about it and she said it was just fine to name my baby tyler to. But I didn't want to. It would hurt way to much to see his name and hear his name all the time.

Im gonna name him what tyler used to call himself. Patrick. Ik it sounds dumb but he loved patrick on spongebob.

And no one would know the meaning of his name anyways.

But anyways Tyler was two weeks and so playful oh my god this boy stayed up alllll day. All day long he cried for donna ate and barely rested. He was such a ladies man. ..

Patrick had been kicking me all day and I started getting frustrated and decided to take a nap.

Lauren POV.
Sometimes I wish we didn't have to just go see tiny on visit days.  Carson was cool and all. We hung out a lot because tiny was always so wrapped up in her baby and everything else so we just chilled.

Carson- I really wish I had enough money for me and tiny to just like get away ya know

It doesn't always happen that way so.
I looked up at the stars in the back of Carson's pick up truck.

Carson- my dad would have loved her ya know. Me and my mom keep the shop in memory of him...

I zoned out not really listening.. Like he always talks about his dad Or mom and I listened. I think I know more about carson then tiny does and that was crazy. I listened back in.

Carson- don't you ever dream of having someone?

I looked at him . yea I do but only in my fantasies.

Carson- why.

I shrug. I don't know

Carson- you should want more for yourself.

Carson sometimes was the only guy that showed concern for me . I felt myself choke up at the thought.

Carson- hey look at me.

I did.

Carson- you deserve that. Everyone does.

I leaned in and kissed him slowly feeling passion in our kiss .

He pulled away and I looked at him .

Carson- we can't tell tiny about this I should get you home.

I watched him struggle to find his keys as the guilt settled in horribly. I just kissed my best friends guy friend who wanted to be her baby daddy. What in the fuck.

Tiny POV.

Two weeks went by with me just taking care of donnas baby helping her trying to get prepared for my own kid.

I was downstairs putting together puzzles with tee.

Tee- I thought I could change don you know... I know you hate talking about him but. Ya know were at risk for having a mentally challenged child.

Yea. I know. I heard him talking shit at your visit to.

Tee- that's just how he is...

Well its not cool ...

Tee- I know.

Nay joined us.

Nay- we always sit in this shelter all day like we can't leave anytime.

I wouldn't know were to go.

Nay- you got friends they like us see if they want to go eat.

With what money.

Nay- I got paid today.

Oh ok .

I got up and called lauren and carson on three way. They sounded funny but I ignored it.

Carson- uh wassup.

Lauren- hi...

Hey daddy hey best guys want to come eat with us?

Carson- yea I'll come

Lauren- yea

Ok meet me at that restraunt on 50th street. I hung up with a weird feeling but ignore it.

I leave with tee and nay and donna as ms.ray watches Tyler and we go to the restraunt down the street.

I wonder what people think. Like wow a gang of pregnant bitches walking to a diner. Nice.

We got in the diner and sat down big enough for all of us to fit and be comfortable.

I looked out the window waiting on Carson and lauren.

Tee- they gone be here ! Just wait!

I am! Geesh shut up. I smiled to see them pull up and I got up from my seat. I ran to carson and hugged him kissing all on his face. He smiled.

Hey daddy.
Carson- hey baby.

Hey best friend!

She smiled and hugged me.

We went and sat down. I noticed there odd spirit but I just smiled . tee broke the silence as always.

Tee- so wassup! Y'all hungry?!?

From there we ordered and talked as usal and our food came. I licked my lips at Carson's plate of fully loaded frie double cheese burger and hot fudge!

Carson- what man we not going through this you got yours right there!

I look seeing I have the exact same thing.

Daddy I want yours !

Carson- omg fine!

He switches me everything and I smile putting ketchup on everything.  I start eating and feel my water break. Fuck.
Tee- girl yo water just broke !

I shrug nope I'm not leaving without my food because I been waiting all damn day for this! No!

Nay- bitch I am not sitting in your lil birth water

Carson- what's birth water.

I feel a pain and ignore it. Nope nope I'm eating first. I start eating my food and they continue to eat 

Lauren- bitch I can't believe your really eating while your in labor.

I'm not in labor till I get in a hospital bed.

I finish eating and they rush me out the door to the hospital.

Carson looked worried but I just smiled.

They got me in the hospital room hooked up to everything and I waited feeling pain but I just sat calmly as they talked nervously.

I wasn't nervous. I went through this myself with my mom when she had ty so it wasn't a huge thing. Only difference was it was me .

Sometimes I missed my mom because I know how she used to be.

I knew Lance wouldn't be here because on the paper at the shelter asked would we like our child's father to be notified when we go in labor I checked no.

I was 8 centimeters and it was 5am I was feeling it really bad. I was to out of it to say I wanted pain medicine because I was busy cussing everybody out who touched me.

Carson - babe chill ok?

Fuck you!

Carson- um ok.

Lauren- hey its ok best friend.

I just shook my head as I laid back sweating . Time to push.

I pushed as hard as I could 5 times and out came Patrick Rain Lucas.
He came at 7:35 and I was so tired he had a head full of hair and was damn near white I held him exhausted but excited.

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