chapter 4.

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Terrance POV.
It was 12 am and I been waiting on this bitch for 30 minutes ..smh. I see her walking to my car and get in and I smirk. Wassup
Linda- nothing *blushing*
Don't trip I got u
Linda- I'll be back before lance gets up right?
I nod and drive bumping my head to big Sean's idfwu
I drive to my house were I cooked for her . really I just want some pussy because linda been fine AF since grade school.
I put on my gentlemen smile and help her out my jag . I take her inside and wink at her turning on some music. Oh yea. I'm fucking her tonight.

Linda POV.
J can't believe I'm here lance will kill me if he ever finds out. I look around as he talks all smooth and I notice a spoon with some substance on it.
Linda- whats that?
Terrance- crystal meth...smirking...can u hang?
Linda- ummm
Terrance- I got u..
He ties a belt around my arm and sticking a needle in me I automatically start feeling extra zoned out and not even myself as I feel myself slumping and blacking out

Terrance POV.
Awe yea she was all on me touching on me but I could tell she wasn't herself..did I care. Not really. I turned her over as she giggled dumb AF and I shoved myself into her pounding the fuck out of her as she moaned calling me daddy . I laughed in my head how easy this was and fucked her that's whole night.

Linda POV.
It was 12pm when I looked over at the clock and nearly jumped out of my skin . omfg! I yelled loud picking my clothes up pissed asf the fact I had stayed so long ..I look at the track marks in my arm and already can feel my body craving the drug but I ignore it trying to wake up terrance.. Get up! I need to get up cmon!
Terrance- stfu up damn.
I start to cry feeling horrible and get up from his bed and look over on his dresser ...I feel myself wanting it so bad and just snatch it off the dresser and walk home.

I try creeping in the house but by that time my kids and husband are already up as I try to put on my best face .
Ty- mommy!
I pick him up..hey baby..
Lance- ty in ur room now.
He gets down running away and I prepare myself for what I'm gonna face.
Lance- were the fuck you been! Look at you fucking arm!
He looks at me disgusted and I just start wishing I could go in the back and get high. But I answer... Nowhere..I know he's not going to except that answer so I just hide my face as he yells and storms off.

I wish I could take back what I did..but now I feel like there's no turning back.

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