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Tiny POV.
The night I almost got locked up of course me and lance had sex. Crazy hair pulling sex and I loved it..but that was two weeks ago.and right now was one of those moments I felt like Lance wanted me because after we had sex he just...didn't talk to me. He acted like I was his 14 year old step daughter and I hated it which was mainly why I acted out get his attention.ty was at daycare so it was me and lance and my mouth was wrapped around him as he moaned and came . simple. I swallowed because it made him happy but I started to feel sick.

It wasn't a normal sick either I ran to the bathroom and threw up over and over till it felt like my stomach was empty. I heard Lance behind me trying to help me but I snatched away feeling Moody.

I think I'm sick

Lance- idk...
I noticed him nearly turn white


Lance- people don't just be fine and then throw up is what I'm saying!


Lance- I'm gonna take u to the docters cmon.

The local clinic? Hell naw u know how many people be waiting to see -

Lance- no cmon.

Lance POV.
I was waiting for the docter to come back with tinys results but honestly I already knew.. She's pregnant. I knew pregnant hell I'm old. She had wondered how I got an appointment so quick at such a nice place and I just shrugged it off.

I wasn't going to make her get an abortion but I could tell she was scared out of her mind when the docter told her she was two months. I was to but I had to be a man and own up to it. As we walked to the car I felt her against me as I unlocked the doors and I turned around.

Tiny- what are we going to do .

What you want .

Tiny- I don't know.. I'll just tell people its by somebody else ok?

Ok ...I looked down dissapointed in my cowardness and she grabbed my face and kissed me.

Tiny POV.
This is bullshit bullshit bullshit.
I don't want his fucking baby this is for bills that's it and now I'm pregnant wtf does he honestly think good is gonna come from this.

I'm just gonna act like this didn't happen...

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