chapter 14.

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I was at lunch with tee and nay because Donna was tired . we ate spaghetti mixed with Strawberry's and sourcream.

It was good but some of the staff looked at us crazy AF and I mugged them and that quick ms.ray popped up in front of me.

Ms.ray- hey ladies

What they looking at us for.

Ms.ray- they just don't know how pregnant women here eat yet that's all..want more?

Tee - hell yea.

She grabbed the bowl sharing with us and I laughed. Tee was the biggest of all of us. She wasn't even having twins she was just big AF and she used to be really skinny. But she's so ghetto. She had gold teeth and all. Nay was more quiet but she loved eating. And the smell of glue. She got in trouble a couple time for it.

There stories were tragic though. Tee cried everyday for her brother. I used to get so mad at it because he was raping her yet she was so attached to him. He bought her everything and acted like he loved her and that was it. I guess I couldn't talk. But she honestly loved him. He had been raping her since she was 5 so that's all she knew.

Nay was a little different. Nay got pregnant by her first love. He took her away from her ghetto ass home and gave her the good life. Till he started beating her ass. Now she's here.

When they asked my about my story I tried to lie but I eventually told the truth because lance wouldn't stop visiting.

But me tee and nay and Donna and lauren all got along well. Besides the fact lauren was jealous sometimes things were good.

I was thinking about carson while I ate and they talked.

Carson was so dreamy. I know he extra white but how would he feel about me leading guys on for money. I could get a work permit and a job. They help you get those here. Yea. I'll try that . I called over ms . ray and she helped me fill the form out.

It was done and she told me she'd help make sure it gets out to some fellow businesses she knows.

I had to go for my ultrasound though so me and Donna got on the bus to leave and on the way there I looked at her.

Donna wassup baby u look all down

Donna- just haven't been feeling well is all.

Oh ok. I kissed her cheek and she smiled.

I had the slightest crush on donna.

I didn't know weather it was a like or a crush but I liked her more than my other friends because she was so down to earth and I really needed that.

We went in holding hands..I don't know why even be so nervous going in here. ..

I went right in from separate rooms and went in to my docter

Sometimes I think he's a pervert because he be touching my vagina all extra.

I opened my legs for him to observe and he gave my ultra sound moving it around on my stomach.

Docter-i have some concerns.

This is what I dreaded. I grew so close to my baby and I really wasn't in the mood for bad news.

Docter- he has a high heart beat that's all. Get some more sleep.

Whew..thank fucking Jesus. I got up and wiped my stomach off. Thank u.

I went to the van and waited on donna as a ambulance pulled up. I wondered who it was for but I stayed in the van. 10 minutes passed and donna was rubbing her stomach sweating and I got out walking fast to her since I don't run .

What going on

Donna- my water broke!

Omg I can't leave you!

I hopped in the ambulance with her .

We got to the hospital and my heart was beating so fast as they hooked her up to machines.

She was 6 centimeters and that's when a team of pregnant girls from our shelter popped up and we all hugged.

Omg tee I'm so scared .

Tee- just calm down ok?

Ok ok

Nay- this aint even your labor girl.


Donna screamed and we looked over and I held her hand trying to be supportive as ms.ray rubbed her stomach.

It was time and donna was pushing with everything she had. If this how it was gonna be my baby just...can stay inside

The next thing I knew the cutest little light skin baby boy came out and I smiled. Awwww omg !

Tee- that's makes 1 boy and 2girls now.

Nay- I hope my baby makes it even.

I want a boy tooooooo

Donna- omg I thought I was gonna die.

They handed the baby to her and she named him tyler.

Nobody knew about my brother and I started to cry..

Tee- damn girl chill

I wiped my face and touched his. Little ty.

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