chapter 8.

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Linda POV.
I was sad. Sad at the fact I was robbing lance blind for Terrance. We had a plan every week I'd go back put on a show and steal his money. I was also sad I barely picked my son up and my daughter was being fast . the way she was dressed had me questioning what she had been doing. I did everything for Terrance . all the stealing ....I wish things were different but just as I wished the drugs hit me and it all faded.

Tiny POV.
Who says my mom even gives a fuck? Like who the fuck...I talk to myself out loud and ty comes in my room.
What ty..
Ty- um um I'm washing TV and your being loud.
Sorry ...
Ty- otay and I'm hungry
Ok ty I'm gonna go make some food.I walk out my room and he's goes to his. I go in the fridge and open it to nothing but a half drunk bottle of fanta and a bag of grapes. Like what the fuck I'm fucking this nigga to not buy groceries? ...I sighed and close the refrigerator.. LANCE!

I didn't get an answer and just left with ty and slammed the door... Dumbass nigga... I walk to the corner store trying to think .ty stay right here he says ok and . I walk in the store and the cashier looked at me as if she knew I had no money but I kept walking to the candy aisle. Candy is cool right? He'd like that. I slide a king size kit Kat down my pants and look around some more and put a bag of hot cheetos in my bag. I looked up to see my favorite snack.. Cheezits. I climbed the shelf but I was little and knocked the whole damn rack over . fuck. The cashier heard and ran back there. I got up as quick as I could . he grabbed me by my arm snatching me up

Him- wtf do u think ur doing! Huh! U think you can just bring your fast ass in here and steal in my dads store! Get your ass up!

I felt his grip bruising my arm and snatched away ..GET THE FUCK OFF ME

Him- get out of here you little bitch!

Oh bitch? I'm a bitch? Your in here crying about your daddy's store

Him- obviously you don't have one!

I reach back and smash my fist into his face hard AF. And he falls down with a huge red mark on his face .

I turn around and next thing I know we were fighting to see who could cause the most blood to spill and police sirens were blaring. The police pulled us both up with bloody faces
Him- this bitch was stealing ! From my dads store!
And you thought you could put your damn hands on me!
The police officer snatched me away and threw me on the hood of his car making my scars on my face hurt even worse .

They threw me in the back of the police car and as they were about to pull off Lance came around the corner yelling for them to wait.

Lance POV.

What the fuck had she got herself into. Yes when she called my name I didn't answer because I was upset but now all I hear is ty crying and tiny acting a damn fool in the back of a police squad car. I stopped the police officer because I knew him . he was a security guard at my office . and I knew I had to slow them down so she wouldn't get taken to jail. I stopped out of breath. Officer officer! Look its me Lance!
Officer brady- hey Lance what you do-
Please let her go she's my step daughter and I good kid I swear
Just let me take her home I'll pay you.
I said the last part more quietly and without anything else said he let her out and I made a deal to pay him when I get to work as me her and ty walked home the whole hood watched wondering how I tiny out of this.

I practically threw her in the house and ty stopped me
Ty- I'm still hungry....
I look down at him... Cmon..
Me and ty go and get food and get back home . I got tiny her favorite and she ate quietly.. I didnt want her to talk anyways. When ty was done I went and laid him down and tiny just sat at the table...

So what were u thinking HUH?!
Tiny- I was thinking feeding my brother!
Oh yea while you make a fight club in the middle of a chip aisle.
Tiny- oh stfu.
I had it. I was done ..

Tiny POV.
I could tell the way I was talking to lance was driving him to the edge but what did I care.I could take care of me and ty. I think...then I started thinking of the landlord banging on our door and the water and lights being cut off.. Hell no...

So I did what I knew best...I decided to cry.. I cryed and told him I was sorry and I stood up and laid on his chest telling him I'm sorry and something slipped out I didn't know would.I listened to myself say it
"I'm sorry lance I was mad and jealous and I'm in love with you."

I think he was just as shocked as I was because I heard his heart beat speed up and I barely knew if I meant what I said or I was just saying it to survive but I said it.

He looked down at me and kissed me and I knew I had him.

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