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Tiny POV.
We left the store and I saw my best friend Laurens mom. Standing outside the gas station begging as we drove by. I felt so bad for Lauren. We had been best friends since we were in 1st grade and her mom used to be perfect . now Lauren lives in the projects like me with her grandma. I was glad when she moved right across the street but she wasn't. I guess that's selfish of me but now her mom was standing at the gas station hair everywhere dirty clothes rotted teeth yellow teeth and just plain ugly.
I didn't say anything because I still remember her being a good person Now she just seems like a zombie.
We pulled up to the house and I saw my mother texting... Something she never does inless lance is gone.I wonder who was so important but I just got out and ran to my best friends house with ty and stayed there the rest of the after noon till my mom said we had to come home for dinner.
I got in the house with my cheeks red from running home and sat at the table telling lance everything we did as we ate
Ty- I no have fun all day do ish look at magazines and listen to mushic
Lance- that just means you gotta get ur own friends or you can stay with me sometime and we can play
Ty- he smiles hard. Otay
I looked over to see my mom eating in a rush then look at us
Linda- u guys are tired right? Right
I looked at her funny
Lance- uh sure?
I get up and do the dishes as lance tucks in ty and then I go to my room wondering why my mom is all anxious. I get in the bed anyways and lance comes in kissing me goodnight and leaving.
Somtimes I felt funny about lance because like. No other boys paid attention to me accept lance.I know he doesn't mean it that way but sometimes I want - what the heck am I think that's my step dad...but it's just I like the attention that's all..

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