chapter 13.

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I was very confused. Like he explained he was a CEO. But I honestly don't even know what that is. But I guess it mean umm Credit.Extra.Up. wait no because then it would have to be a O and... Forget it I don't care. I wasn't staying here though what did I have to stay for?I didn't have ty. Definitely not my mom since she knows about Lance.

I had Lauren but she was staying with her grandma . ...ugh! I heard lance peak into the room he put me in .

Lance- how's it going .

Why does it matter.

Lance- I just want you to be happy.

Mm. I looked down at the phone Lance bought me and texted Carson to come get me.

Yea me and Carson had been talking. Even after all that were cool.

Lance- do you want to talk about it .

I hate it here. The fact I have to basically fuck you to get-

Lance- I said you don't have to

I don't want to see you lance.

Lance- if you don't want to be here so bad why are you here

I ask myself the same thing.I saw him reach in his pocket and he handed me 800 dollars.

Lance- bye then!

Fine lance ....

And that was it. It had been 4 months since that day and I was staying in a shelter about to pop. I didn't exactly like it here but it was enough. They put me in one for pregnant teens and I had made some friends.

It was tee and donna and nay who were my friends and we were all pregnant as fuck but right now I'm on a visit with Lauren and Carson they were rubbing my stomach and Carson brought me some bottles and wipes and stuff.this was also a place for pregnant troubled teens so everybody had a story.

I didn't think my story was really a story. Some girls were pregnant by there step dad from rape but I just did it by choice. We got therapy and all that so we wouldn't be so called "emotionally unstable" and I just usally sit and eat with tee.

Lauren- so Carson got something to ask

What is it

Carson- man shut up lauren I said its and idea.

Lauren- he want to be your baby daddy girl.


Carson- it was just something I was thinking when I was at the shop with lauren. I mean I have a job I already buy the baby everything -

I told you you didn't have to.

Carson- I know but I just figure it would mean something .

You understand she has a dad right

Lauren- when the last time that nigga been up here.

Two weeks ago
Carson- you refuse to see him every time
Lauren- just think about it. Like you got two baby daddy's . you like the two chains of baby daddy's.

My goal isn't to at all have more than one baby daddy.

Carson- just gimmie a chance.

I have to give him a chance to. I mean she deserves-


He got up and walked off andi started to cry. Carson was like a soft spot for me now and I hated it . lauren wiped my face and I looked down at her brand new ugg boots.

How you get them. I sniffed.

Lauren- smirking...well.

Tell bitch.

Lauren- bitch you can't talk your crying over carson white ass.

He not even white.

Lauren- he mise well be. Anyways. I just go up on guys like this

Her hand traveled up my thigh and I felt myself getting wet. I mean I couldn't help I hadn't been touched in forever then I felt her hand slowly twirl up my panties.

Lauren- and I rob them blind.

I moved her hand and blushed. Stop lauren!she started cracking up and I smacked her and got up and left to my room were carson was putting up the bottles he got for me .

Carson- I'm about to leave ok?

I close the door. No your not

Carson- why

I didn't say anything. Lauren made me so mad because she knows I hate that because my hormones go everywhere.

My bad.

Carson- what is it.

I looked over to see my roommate gone and layed down with carson and started making out heavy AF with him. I felt his mouth travel all the way down between my legs.

He took me on a ride I never felt with his tongue gliding up and Down and even after I came he licked all over me till I fell asleep.

I woke up and visiting hours were over so he left.and I texted him

Me- love u daddy ;)

Carson- love u to .

I switched and texted lauren.
Me- wyd

Lauren- about to eat heard u got that tongue bitch

Me- shut up. I think I like the way that robbing thing sounds though.

Lauren- you in?

Me- yea after I have the baby and I need a way to get money.

Lauren- k I got u

I felt myself sleepy again

Me- gn best friend.

Lauren- goodnight.

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