Chapter 63~ Death's Vengeance

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*Elizabeth's POV*

Never has someone infuriated me so much. No one except Carter Knight. Standing in front of me as if he had no care in the world, with that cocky smirk on his face. Checking his watch he slammed us "Now sister that was a little longer than normal right? Must be because of you newbie friend huh? It's a shame really, you could have escaped but now you stuck with me!" he chuckled. Now that was taunting. I wasn't the only one who seemed to think so though and Clarity's movement caught the edge of my peripheral vision. She stepped forward almost as if in a trance. Knowing she was in danger of being seriously hurt I blurted out my next words "Well brother this was all planned, after all I am here to kill you right?" I hissed. Then without waiting for his consent I leapt forward in a lunge. Unfortunately unlike most of my victims Carter knew my strengths and my weaknesses, meaning he'd expected my attack. As I went in for a punch I knew I would have to attack in ways I'd never used before. Twisting at the last second I rammed my side into his with enough force to knock someone off their feet easy. Sure Carter was strong but not strong enough to stay balanced. As he stumbled I went in for a kick to the abdomen, before retreating to the outskirts of the circle. This was one thing that normally got me hurt, my lack of patience. Chase and Mason would always use this against me in sparring practice, I always hated the waiting but I knew it was necessary if I wanted to keep my stamina and strength up. With my added time I searched for Clarity and almost dropped my guard when I saw what was happening. I had no idea when he had arrived but I knew one thing for sure, Clarity was fighting her mate and she wasn't holding back. I was scared to be truthful, this guy has probably had years of experience fighting and Clarity had only the basics. Nevertheless it seemed she was holding her own, but I knew soon she would falter or grow tired and then she'd be finished. Worried for Clarity I knew I had to end this fight as quickly as possible. Every thought about vengeance left my mind the instant I saw Clarity. Her life ranked above my own happiness by far. Determined now more than ever I circled Carter, analyzing him from every angle. Every piece of training I'd ever received was needed to defeat my brother. I vowed right then and there that I was going to kill him, even if it was the last thing I did.

The next two moment are ones I won't ever forget, it took me by surprise and left me defenseless. I heard Clarity's call for help and immediately I stopped everything and turned towards her. That's when I figured out what Carter's plan was. Turning, in the hopes that I hadn't just provided Carter the perfect opportunity to strike, I watched in disbelief as my brother flew towards me. Seconds later I felt a searing pain in my side. Frozen, I gaped in shock at my torn stomach. That's when the blood started to pool out. Streams of it, like a torrent of blood poured out. Shaken I was numb to everything around me so much that I barley heard Clarity's aghast calls. Not caring of the icy air I ripped off my jacket and pressed it against my wound. Knowing I had to do something in my last seconds I screamed "Stop, just stop!" I yelled. Everyone in the clearing froze at my outburst and turned to me. Not waiting I burst into my speech "Look do you really have to kill us?! Please!" I whispered, locking my gaze with Drake "Please don't kill your own mate!" I begged. Drake started to answer but Carter spoke up in his place "No little sis you don't understand. You're little friend won't survive because Drake will kill her. That's what you don't understand. Drake is under my control, He will do whatever I want, right Drake?" Laughed Carter. I turned hesitantly towards Clarity's mate, doubt showing in my eyes. Would he really kill his own mate? However my question was answered when Drake let out a war cry before charging towards my startled brother "You don't control me and you can't make me kill my innocent mate, you're crazy if you ever thought any different. Now that I've made that quite clear I think it time you die!" He screamed, lunging at his throat.

His movements were blurred and rushed but as soon as he attacked I knew that Drake was going to die. I don't know how I knew but I did. Nevertheless watching them fight sparked an idea that some would insist was crazy, especially if performed by me in my state. Deciding on a whim I turned and charged my best friend. Going straight for her, I raised a fist and formed a punch targeting the edge of her temple. Surprised Clarity only had seconds to fix me with a horrified gaze before she slumped to the ground unconscious. Catching my fast movement towards his mate, Drake drew back from the fight and charged at me. Weak and tired I only just managed to catch the side of his Vegas nerve as he charged at me. Exhausted I looked down over the two bodies below me, I had to do this alone and I needed them safe.

Swaying dangerously I looked up at my smirking brother "You couldn't miss out on the action could you? Even if you are dying!" He chuckled. Hearing his remark I felt an uncontrollable rage build up inside me followed by the strangest feeling I'd ever felt. Slowly I began to feel clear headed and that's when I knew what was happening. I was healing. I don't know whether it was the moon goodness looking over me or if it was the royal blood that ran in my veins but miraculously the bleeding was stopping. I could feel energy seeping slowly back into me as my body healed itself. Knowing the next attack was coming soon I knew I had to finish this. I was finally going to avenge my parents death and my sister's forced descent to the throne.

For the last year I had pictured this moment, the moment when I finally killed my brother, but in reality it was a simple kill. Using the last growing reserves of my strength I changed into my imposing wolf and attacked. My attack was faultless, my aim perfect. In my bloodlust I had one goal only and the kill itself was a blur. All the same I remember the feeling of my mouth closing around his throat, I remember the taste of his blood as I bit deeply into his neck, I remember the snap of his throat as he slumped to the ground, but most of all I remember his eyes. I would never forget those eyes. They were full of shock, fear and mostly regret. That's when I finally grasped it. I had done it. That was it, Carter Knight was dead. I had achieved Death's Vengeance. I had avenged my parents. As my adrenaline died down and I fell to the floor all I could do was smile. My vision blurred but I no longer cared, I was at peace finally.

However it seemed that something was holding me back. Something inside of me was keeping me awake for something, just what exactly? That's when I saw them. At first I thought I was hallucinating but then the familiar sound of them reached my ears. Bright red ruby heels walked towards me, stopping meters away from me. Dread filled me, I knew those heels anywhere. Those heels belonged to none other than Britney Snow. "Hey loser you missed me? Well I have a message for you. Tell your dear mate that it's revenge time. It's time he regretted his choice, he should have chosen me not you and now he's going to pay for it. The only way to cause him pain it seems is to hurt you, his little mate. So watch out because I'm not very forgiving. Now I came for two reason; I came here to give you a message and hurt you and it seems that I have delivered my message, so know it's time to hurt. Lights out Elizabeth." She hissed, and with those words she bought her heel down hard on my temple.


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