Chapter 51~ Visitors and schooling

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*Elizabeth's POV*

The next morning was a blur. Honesty it was like yesterday's event had left me in a permanent good mood. I got up unreasonably early and showered. The rush of the hot water awoke my senses so much that when I came back out I noticed the note, folded neatly and laid on my bed. Quickly changing, I dashed to the bed, with excitement and urgency in my stride. Picking up the note I read through it, my fingers tightening subconsciously around the paper. The note read

Dear Elizabeth, I want to apologize for everything. I didn't mean to act that way and I really just what to try again to be friends?! From your vampire bestie Chase xxx
PS: We should hang out soon. Just you, me and Mason.

Smiling I reread the note, Chase was always one for creative ways to apologize. My life was finally getting back on track again. My mate was accepting me and clarity and the twins were okay. The only downer was the murder of our parents, no matter who much we tried to push it aside it just kept haunting us. My head now clear quickly noticed the other note, this one being from Dylan. As i read it over only one thing came to mind "Oh salsa." Now don't you go judging the way my brain processes stuff, I'm just very weird. According to the note I was supposed to meet James in his office for some catch up schooling. Yay I'm a lucky one, note the sarcasm. Checking my watch I did a double take, James had arranged for me to meet him in his office at 10am and it was five to. Dropping the note I grabbed a mechanical pencil of the desk before sprinting out the door to James's office. Tearing down the corridor I rushed past startled maids, my loosely tied hair falling out of its ponytail and snagging on picture frames.

I mean was it so hard to ask for me to have one good hair just once this week? Really of all days you had to choose today!

Regardless of my delay I still reached the office with a minute to spare. Throwing myself into the chair I heaved and heaved, allowing my racing lungs to catch up. I definitely needed to work on getting round corners quicker. The office was empty when I arrived, meaning no one saw my undignified entrance. However my brain spoke to soon as the next second the door was blown open with such a force it rattled the pens. James stalked in, his hands clenched and his muscles tense. Clearly something had upset him, Just who was it? Hoping to calm and distract him I greeted him happily "Hello how are you this fine wondrous morning?" My words must have appeared overly suspicious as James looked up, a cautious look on his face. "What do you want so early?" He questioned. His words stunned me "What do you mean 'What am I doing here?' I'm here because you asked me to be here in your note!" I explained. His face showed confusion then understanding and then finally amusement. "Umm I don't know who told you that but you're supposed to be coming at 2pm today not 10am!" he exclaimed, his voice breaking with laughter. Dumbstruck I leant back in shock had Dylan been wrong? Or had he just tricked me? If he did the latter, which he most likely did, I was going to kill him! Drifting from my thoughts I focused on James, who was currently in his own little fantasy world. Clearing my throat I asked "So because of the mix up should I come back later or can we just forget it?" my voice hopeful for the early reprisal. "Nice try but today's meeting will still go on! Besides it only talking over what you missed and it's only for a couple of hours just for a week or so to catch up! Hardly any dent in your social calendar!" he bargained. Compiling knowing that I did actually need the review I agreed. So that's how it went for the next two hours. Supposedly James had talked to my teachers and they'd given him so review of the units we'd covered, in great detail may I add. Today was basically outlining what I needed to learn and just doing a quick, basic review of it all. Thankfully it didn't drag on too much and it was soon over. "Well that's today done, I want to see you here at 2pm tomorrow!" James arranged professionally. Thanking him I took my chance to escape, deciding where to go? Should I try and patch things up with my sister or should I go have fun with my best friends? After a moment of hesitation I turned down the west corridor. Best friends it is then!

*Chase's POV*

The line 'Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?' is such a cheesy pick up line but when applied to Elizabeth Knight it was so true. She was like an angel who lit up every room that she walked into. She was beautiful, her face without fault. So when she walked into the game room, her expression forgiving as she looked at me, my pulse spiked drastically. Mason perked up before motioning to the seat in-between us "Come sit with your favorite vampires who are in desperate need of your company?" he asked. I almost scowled at his attitude but I knew mason had no romantic feelings for her. Anyway he had found his mate so it wasn't exactly a problem. Sitting down Liz immediately burst into conversation "Well my favorite blood drinkers what have I missed with you guys? Tell me the details?" she interrogated, making solid eye contact with us both. So distracted by her I couldn't find words instead letting mason take the lead "Well I found my mate!" he shirked.

Sometimes I swear my brother is secretly a girl, the way his voice pitched. But oh no he had the body and mind of a man.

Just as my thought left my head the door swung open revealing a very red faced girl holding a bag of popcorn "So you guys ready, movie's starting!" she called. Her face down she didn't realize we had a visitor until the last moment. Waiting for the response she lifted her head and screamed.

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