Chapter 7~ Two punches in one day

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*Elizabeth's POV*

Dozens of eyes looked down at us as silence took over the packed throne room. Suddenly laughter broke out and I gratefully looked at whoever saved me. My saviour, however, was none other than my sucker faced jerk of a mate. He sat with a platinum-haired girl perched on his lap, oh did she look so in her element. I managed to stand up ignoring the hand of Jake for guidance and the eyes of my mate and I brushed myself off. I turned to my sister but not before noticing in my peripheral the glare my mate directed at Jake. "I am so sorry I'm late I had a run-in with Jake!" I addressed her, motioning at Jake before walking calmly to her side. She nodded, understanding my situation "Well you're not too late for my announcement! Everybody I have found my mate! He...." she said looking pointedly at Mark "Will take over as king alongside me!" loud hollers arose as James walked up to Lily and bought her into a tight hug. Everyone had smiles on their face except for my mate who gazed intently at me, thankfully he couldn't recognize me as his mate because of the mix of scents everywhere clouding me. That didn't stop his staring though. My sister once again cleared her throat "One last announcement is that there will be a homecoming ball tonight to celebrate my sister's return and our guests. Everyone is invited so spread the word!" she cried. Mutters filled the air as everyone began to filter out. I approached my sister " So you figured out what the bad news was yeah?" Explained Lily cautiously. I watched her, my face impassive before I broke out into a grin "Really a ball? You know he'll find out tonight for sure about me and him being mates?" I questioned. She looked excited "Yes I need some drama just let me know if he hurts you alright?" she replied. As she turned away I quietly muttered: "Well he already has you just don't know it." Thankfully no one heard my little line so I turned to leave.

As I drew near the exit someone knocked my shoulder "Slut" called the platinum-haired girl from earlier. I was taken aback but before she could escape I caught her arm "What did you just call me?" I whispered. She smirked and leaned in close "I called you a slut!" she haughtily hissed. Everyone heard due to their advanced hearing and therefore stopped to watch the confrontation. Now some people would come up with a cocky remark or they would have just walked away but not me, Oh no I full-on punched her right on her nose. I heard the crack as her nose broke and blood began to pour out. She screamed and clutched her gusting nose, blood dripping down onto her top. Everyone tensed up but no one rushed to help her. Tossing my hair behind me I leaned in and whispered "Don't mess with me little pup!" before I strode away.

*Lily's POV*

As I walked out of the throne room, hand in hand with James, I spied Mark. I tapped my mate and James followed my gaze before he drew me close "Look I know you have to see him, I respect that but that doesn't mean I like it! Remember our agreement you can talk but I'll be there in case he tries anything!" he growled. I nodded before I called Mark over. He approached cockily with a smirk plastered on his face, the reason being I had no clue to. "So my queen and king have summoned me, what a pleasure!" he drawled out, sarcasm blatantly obvious in his tone. James growled and pulled me closer if that was even possible. I kept my calm however desperately I wanted to rip his head off "We need your word that you will never try to take the position of king. You would have to state this in front of the court so they recognize it. Are you understanding me?" I asked, waiting for his answer. "I'm sorry your majesty but I can't do that see you're my mate so I'm the rightful King!" he retorted. This caused both me and James to jump into action, James went to put me behind him but before he could I lunged forward landing a solid punch straight to his abdomen. He groaned "That's for insulting me, your queen and James your future king!" I shouted. I stepped back and everyone looked at me with admiration and pride. I grinned and walked into the arms of a stunned James. "I love you kitten I hope you know that!" he said looking down at me with pride and love. Those three words were the only ones I heard in the sentence. Falling back into his arms I relaxed, I was happy and nothing could bring that down.

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