Chapter 59~The kidnapping

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*Elizabeth's POV*

The battle was chaos. Now when you picture a battle you always see people fighting on a field or outside a castle right? Well for us that was not the case. The attack was of all places in the car park. Yeah real scenic right? Deciding to have the advantage of height I raced back to the palace and began climbing the steps to the lookout tower. Throwing open the rarely used door I felt the strength of the wind hit me, nearly knocking me off my feet. Now archers normally have major problems with the wind but I had trained to work with the wind not against it so although it was slightly challenging situation, it was also an advantage. I guarantee any archers that the other side who even attempted to shoot would fail. Feeling more confident I walked to the edge of the tower. Looking down with a bird's eye view the battle looked like a big pool of red mixed with the black dots of people. Taking aim I scanned the battlefield. At this distance my vision was a little blurred, despite my heightened senses. That's when I locked onto Dylan, maybe it was because of the bond we now shared or just my instincts but whatever it was I knew he was in danger. He was currently fighting two wolves at once but a third was slowly crawling up behind him. Pressed for time in took a risk and loaded two arrows at once. This was a dangerous technique and was not very accurate but that was for neat shots, like to the eye and I just wanted to hit them so loading my bow I took a deep breath and released. As soon as the arrows were released I loaded another. Taking a look I almost cheered with delight at the two intruder wolves lying dead. However the third was still there, quickly I released my last arrow, and watching it fly through the air and hitting the wolf square in the eye. Dylan who was about to lunge watched with shock as the wolf fell dead at his feet. Turning in the direction of the arrow he saw me, I felt him call out in the bond then Oh little wolf you're in sooo much trouble when we talk later. Now be safe, I have to go. Oh and nice shot by the way! He called, her voice proud and slightly amused. Then breaking the bond he turned to face the next victim of his wrath. Happy and giddy I almost got distracted but shaking my head I reloaded, searching for the next person in need. That's when I saw Clarity. She was in close combat on the edge of the woods with an intimidating wolf twice her size. Panicked I knew I couldn't make the shot, I turned and bolted down the stairs to aid my poorly matched best friend.

I encountered no trouble getting out of the place but on the battlefields I was met with people trying to stop me. Eventually I didn't even bother with talking I just shoved them aside, plowing through them all. The battlefield up close was even bloodier than I expected and so as I skirted the outskirts I took out my dagger and nunchakus. I didn't have to use them until a brown wolf approached me. He stalked me at first but then his growl alerted me. Reactively I spun around, loping his two front protruding paws with my steel chain and tripping him. Going in for the kill I immediately stabbed down with my dagger, retracting it as quickly as I had killed him. Wiping the blood on my jeans I hurried on, trying not to linger on the kill. I managed to avoid any more trouble and reached Clarity quicker than expected. I watched her briefly fighting that wolf, she was almost in a dance with him. If you studied them close enough it looked like they didn't want to kill one another. Just as I was about to jump in Clarity caught sight of me and screamed out in my mind "No please don't kill him, he's my mate!" she yelled, begging. Shocked I froze as did she. The next couple of seconds were in slow motion. Thanks to Clarity's abrupt stop her attacker, who was going in for the lunge with his teeth bared, couldn't stop and seeing as it was a kill shot he desperately tried to avoid it. Seeing that his attempts were no use I instantly jumped in front of her, spreading my arms wide, waiting for the impact. Except it never came. Slowly I opened my eyes and saw Clarity's body in front of mine. I watched with shock as she fell backwards, her hands pressed into her stomach. Catching her I screamed, searching her pale face for any sight. Gushing blood spurted from her abdomen and that when I saw red. Aware of the lingering danger I laid Clarity down, hovering over her body. 

Fear for clarity was such as powerful emotion but it was nothing compared to the anger I felt at the wolf who did this. I literally saw red. Not bothering with my daggers I jumped towards the fearful wolf, changing half way. Landing in my wolf form I was pleased to say I towered over the wolf. Baring my teeth I lunged for his neck, my teeth were mere inches from his neck when I was thrown aside. The impact of hitting the ground, at the force I flew at, was unbelievably painful. Looking up I swear my vision was deceiving me. I saw a young man, maybe about 19, reached down to pick up Clarity. Instantly I growled out, my sound low and deadly. The guy looked up slightly afraid and that's when I made the connection. This guy was Clarity's mate. Stumbling onto my unsteady paws I limped over to her. Reaching my best friend and her frozen mate, I nudged her. Seconds past before I felt her move slightly underneath me. Relief filled me, she was alive. As her mate made another move towards her I stood my ground, positioning my body over her, allowing my fur to raise up in an act of intimidation. Assessing my surroundings I noticed the roar from the earlier battle had died down, hopefully meaning the battle was drawing to a close. Confusion struck me, if the battle was over why he still lingering? It wasn't still because of his mate was it? That's when a thought echoed in my head, what is we hadn't won? Just as it crossed my mind I felt a sharp prick on the side of my neck.

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