Chapter 56~ Revelations and acceptance

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*Elizabeth's POV*

I leaned in, my breath rugged. Nerves bundled up inside of me, my heart rate increasing with every second. There was only one thing I wanted most in the world and now was my chance to get that one thing. "Dylan I'm ready," I whispered my voice hungry and full of passion. The man in front of me lifted his head, revealing those beautiful green eyes I fell in love with "Are you sure? You can't change this? It will be permanent!" He asked, her voice slow and pleading. Without hesitation I whispered "Yes" and with those words he leaned in...

~Earlier on that day~

My sister's word were crystal clear. I didn't feel numb or emotionless, if anything I was burning with emotions. My mind was perfectly clear, all my emotions locked into one. Dylan watched me attentively, as if afraid I would shatter like a china doll. All I could do was stare, stare at the brother I never knew I had. That's when I knew exactly what I was going to do. Without a second though I pushed out of Dylan's safe grasp and walked out of the confined space. Guards parted for me like the red sea, no one daring to question or talk to me. I kept walking and walking, my feet leading the way to the place I knew would give me answers. I expected someone to follow me but I couldn't hear any footfalls behind me so I figured they wanted to give me time. Suddenly I halted, I had reached my destination. I looked around at my surroundings; I was currently in a room as musty as the previous one only it was less guarded. Walking slowly to the bars separating me from my goal. Gripping them with urgently I called out "I know you're in there Lucas, we need to talk." My voice echoed off the rotten walls of the cell but wasn't left unanswered. A figure stepped out of the darkness "Ah princess it's nice to see you, after all you are my son's mate!" he smirked. I bared my teeth in anger "Don't bring Dylan into this understood? Now I want the truth? Trust me I'll know if you're lying, so I suggest you are completely honest. Did you kill my parents?" I asked, determination surging through me. Seconds past before Lucas replied "No. No I didn't kill your parents, but I know who did." He coughed, pressing her unshaven face against the bars. Resisting every urge to flinch at his close presence I replied coldly "That's all I wanted to know Mr. Waters. Thank you for your time!" and with that I turned and walked as slowly as I could out. Sunshine flooded my eyes as I stepped out into the midday sun, the meeting may have been meaningless to anyone else but I had gained the most important piece of information I've ever had on this case. My parents weren't murdered, they killed themselves.

I took my time walking back to my suite. My visit with Lucas had not only proven his innocence, it had also made me rethink the entire case. When I found my parents dead, I went into shock and I automatically assumed they were murdered due to the mess and the unnatural circumstances. Never had I actually considered that they may have killed themselves. Now I'm sure my sister would question me, saying how they were good parents and would never do that to their kids and I would agree with her. One thing for certain was that they would never ruin us like that, I believe they killed themselves to protect us. The question however was, what were they protecting us from?

When I reached my room I was still puzzled by the strange news. Deciding I would think it over tomorrow when I had a clear head, I grabbed my stuff and headed to the shower. Showering always made me feel so much better. I found that I could think clearly and reasonably when I was showering. Getting out I grabbed a fluffy towel to envelop myself in before I snuck out in my bathroom linked closet. I changed into some simple lounging around clothes which consisted of a tank top and sleeping shorts. Dazed and ready to hit the pillow, I stumbled out and almost walked into someone. Thanks to my training I managed to stay upright as did the pillar I had walked into. Without even looking up I knew that it was Dylan, I mean I was kind of expecting him to arrive soon. Seeking comfort and a relief from my problems, I surprised myself and Dylan by throwing my arms around him. Probably expecting he was going to be thrown out, it took Dylan a few moments to react to the hug. Looking up I was surprised to see Dylan's sparkling eyes had gone a dark shade of black. I felt my wolf coming out and I could see his too "Little mate I'm going to have to leave, my wolf wants to mark you and I can't let him do that if you're not ready!" He explained regrettably. I knew then that I had to do it. I leaned in, my breath rugged. Nerves bundled up inside of me, my heart rate increasing with every second. There was only one thing I wanted most in the world and now was my chance to get that one thing. "Dylan I'm ready," I whispered my voice hungry and full of passion. The man in front of me lifted his head, revealing those beautiful green eyes I fell in love with "Are you sure? You can't change this? It will be permanent!" He asked, her voice slow and pleading. Without hesitation I whispered "Yes" and with those words he leaned in...

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