Chapter 36~ Diagnosis

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*Elizabeth's POV*

The dusty room glowed with the shimmering sunlight. The clotting smell of herbs and spices overwhelmed my weak senses, causing my nose to wrinkle unattractively. I hated being weak and the damsel in distress but that seemed to be my unwanted role currently. Determined to be independent I lifted my feet up from the well-made bed. The floor was cold on my toes but I welcomed it. Suddenly the door was thrown open and in walked the doctor "Hello as you don't already know I'm Doctor. Sanders and I need to check over your arm!" he announced. I frowned but complied, holding out my aching arm. "Now as I recall you came here with your mate Dylan, do you want him let in because he is insisting?" quirked the grumpy doctor. I quickly shook my head "No that won't be needed, I'm fine here on my own!" I replied.  I squirmed, I wanted to be independent and I couldn't be so when Dylan was monitoring me every single second. The doctor only nodded gently "Okay can you sit here please and hold still!" He commanded, directing my arm under an x-ray machine. Let's hope it's not bad.

~Two hours later~

As I walked out of the infirmary Dylan stood, casually resting against the pillar outside. When he saw me his face lit up but then he caught sight of my splinted left hand and his smile dropped. "So miss injury what's the verdict!" He asked, restraining himself from bombarding me with questions. I shrugged "It's just a snapped wrist, only a hairline fracture really!" I answered. To be fair I was disappointed it was not a specular injury but then on the other hand if it was worst I would require surgery and would have missed loads more training. "Doc says I can have it off in a month and a half or so!" I yelped, happy it wasn't as long as I expected. Dylan chuckled "Well let's get you to see your sister!" he told me, sweeping me off my feet and into his waiting arms. I scowled at my position "Dylan you know I can walk right? I'm not like incapable to walk you know!" I yelled, annoyed at his help. He gripped me tighter "I know you not incapable but I'm trying to help!" he defended. I glowered at his words "Well I don't want your help!" I snapped. His hands fisted slightly as he began to grow angry "Oh really, you want to go down?" he barked. I gave him my fiercest glare just as he released his locked arms. I knew the impact would hurt so I gritted my teeth, but before I could hit the ground Dylan mercifully reached out and caught me. Frustrated at his games I jumped out of his arms before he could lock me in place. The jarring movement reignited pain in my throbbing arm. I forced a smirk onto my aching face, desperate to look strong. Spinning on my heel I speed-walked through the palace gates ignoring Dylan's calls. A flash skittered on the edge of my vision and the next minute I was engulfed in strong arms. Ruffling my hair Mason whispered "I'm glad you're okay little tiger! What would we have done without our triplet in crime?" He exclaimed. I smiled up at him, feeling safe in his arms. That's when I realized I felt no pain. My mind came to a quick conclusion and I spun around to challenge the person responsible. I locked eyes with Chase and saw his guilt "Oh you didn't! Chase, you better not have taken away my pain! You jerk! We vowed that you would only use your power in emergencies!" I hissed, backing away from his hurt face. "But you're injured and in pain, I can tell! Please I want to help you!" he whispered, his face open and flooded with concern, guilt and most of all; love.

His expression and emotions shocked me. Most of my life I'd spent with these two and I loved them, as brothers nothing else but now... I find out Chase loves me as more than a friend. My emotions and feelings were already messed up as it is but now to drop the bomb like that was just confusing.

I mean how was a girl supposed to control and make sense of her feelings?

Knowing I couldn't run off and hide, I stood rigid and replied emotionlessly "Chase you and Mason are like brothers to me, nothing else and I'd like to keep it there. I mean you're my best friend, aside from Mason and Clarity but I was never interested in you like that! I don't expect us to go back to normal because that won't happen but can we at least try and put this behind us?" I requested. I could see every word I spoke was like a shovel to his face but I needed to get this out between us. Stepping back I knocked into a hard chest, I turned around and discovered that it was Dylan. Overwhelmed and consumed with conflicted emotions I muttered a quick goodbye and ran away. I ran and ran and did not realize where my feet had taken me until I reached the door. Now confident in my decision, I rammed my fists against the wooden door. The old door creaked open to reveal a very annoyed David. Jumping in I spoke up "David I'm sorry to have disturbed you but I have a favour to ask. I need to get away and I want to go on an assignment. It will help me clear my head." I begged. Reading my face he signed "Come inside dear and let's talk..."

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