Chapter 13~The Run

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*Elizabeth's POV*

The water shimmered in the mid-day sun as my paws beat down on the worn-out path. My ears swivelled as the birds called out, their songs echoed around the forest. Light filtered through the overhanging branches of the nearby willow tree. The thrill of being a wolf was overwhelming. My heightened senses alerted me to every movement, every noise in the vast forest. The snap of a twig, the footsteps of a deer, the whispering of the trees. It was beautiful! Dodging trees I increased the pace as the scent of a squirrel caught my attention. My adrenaline kicked in and my eyes locked onto my unsuspecting prey. The squirrel soon caught on however and its eyes widened in fear, as I closed the ever-shortening gap. My hunt was interrupted when a howl pierced the air. Jolted I slowed but resumed the pace when I heard more howls join in, and soon a chorus of wolves was howling and singing in harmony. Changing my direction mid-flight I sprinted towards the sound of howls. I froze in position nonetheless as the howls abruptly cut off. The whole forest silenced and suddenly a coldness washed over me. Ignoring the deafening silence I pushed my legs into a powerful stride and continued on. Reaching the clearing where the supposed howling had come from, I was greeted by a horrifying sight. Dead bodies littered the bloodstained ground. The wind picked up and the smell of rotting corpses ripped through my nose. I turned away and exhaled sharply to rid myself of the lingering smell. Surveying the scene, I noticed the overpowering number of males with only two females. I took one last look at the devastating scene in front of me, before turning and racing back to the palace. My wolf form bounded over fallen trees and ditches in a desperate attempt to distance me from the horrendous sight. Their beautiful howling replaying in my head now only a tragic memory.

~Back at the palace~

Shifting back into human form, I changed back into my clothes. Rushing past the guards I charged through the courtyard, scattering servants as I went. I clambered up the stairs and into my sister's private chambers. Throwing the door open I cried out "Lily! Help! Help!" I hysterically told her. She ran up to me, gripping my forearms in panic "What's wrong Liz?! Please tell me!" she asked, her voice fading. "Running...Howling...People....Massacre!" Was all I managed to stumble out, before falling to the ground in heaps of tears. The sudden urge to be in my mate's arms pulsed through me. As if she'd read my mind Lily called out to a passing servant "Laura please run and fetch Dylan, quickly now!" the last thing I saw was the maid scampering off before my vision faded and fear took over.

*Dylan's POV*

I stood chatting with my friends in the courtyard when Elizabeth rushed by me, her beautiful locks flying widely behind her. Worry washed over me and brushing off my friend's concerned looks I turned and rushed after her. Her figure disappeared into the crowd and I searched in vain for several minutes

We're losing precious time here screamed Xavier, my wolf.

You don't think I know that! I can't catch her scent! I snapped anger coursing through me.

Then I caught the faintest trail of that beautiful smell.

Sweet and alluring I could recognize her scent anywhere. I rapidly pushed my way through the dense crowd and thundered up the spiral staircase. I followed the trail and then reaching the endpoint I raced to Elizabeth gathering her in my arms. Pale as a sheet, she looked vulnerable and fragile but I knew even in this state she was still fighting. That's when I noticed the stunning mark on her shoulder. I slowly began to trace it, smiling at my mark that now lay forever on her skin, marking her as mine. Rubbing gentle circles on her hands I soothed her, watching as she visibly relaxed and curled into me. I smiled at this sub-conscience act of affection from her. She was okay, she was healing.

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